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WHILE THEY PREPARED ME FOR bed, I told my maids all about my date. It had gone so well that I kept replaying it in my head. All my thoughts were now occupied by Prince Ethan; his smile, his laugh, his kiss on my hand... I wondered what he meant about being too emotional, I wondered what he painted in that studio of his. I thought about what he had said: "Maybe on our next date", and assumed from that that there would be a next date. I felt so calm, so happy. I couldn't believe how surreal this whole experience had been, how lucky I'd been to have been picked.

I looked at my maids, and voiced something wondering for some time. "Had any of you wanted to enter the Selection?" It was possible; after all, I was in the exact same place as them before. Maya spoke up almost immediately. "Oh no! I have my eye on a guard, you see." She winked, and I felt happy for her that she had someone. Piper sighed. "I would have loved to, but I'm afraid I would be a terrible queen. I'm happy being a maid." I had thought of Prince Ethan so much, I hadn't even stopped to consider the responsibility that came with him. I wondered if someone like me could actually make a good princess. I'd never been so good with political things. "It doesn't really matter; either way, palace staff is forbidden to enter in the Selection." Grace said, assuming I didn't know already. "Anyway, I don't think I would be well suited for Prince Ethan: he needs someone who can get him to speak up, and I'm much too reserved myself." Maya bent down towards me. "Just between us, rumor has it that someone from the palace really did apply. A worker from the post office noticed someone had stolen a form, days before the Selection was announced." I shivered, wanting desperately to change the subject. "Well, you can't blame her, Prince Ethan is wonderful." It was Piper's turn to stay in my room, and we gushed together about the prince for a few hours before I decided to try to sleep.

The next morning, there was a knock on my door again. This time, it wasn't a maid, but Mai Jang, whom I hadn't talked to much yet. "Hello Mai, can I help you?" I asked, confused. "Yes, may I enter?" She asked, a serious, but not angry, look on her face. We sat down around my desk, and I accepted Grace's offer to bring us tea. Mai sighed. "Well, let me get straight to the point. I read in the article about us that you designed that dress you were wearing on the Report. It was absolutely stunning, by the way." She took a deep breath. "The thing is, I would like to request that you design a dress for me." I tilted my head, waiting for her to explain, and she did. "You see, my maids are very talented, but I feel like they never stray away too far from my New-Asian culture. I know my heritage is part of why I'm here, what with the war going on, but I want something different." I could understand that."I get along with the prince, sure, but I can't shake the feeling that he doesn't look at me like he looks at the other girls. I know it's stupid, but want him to think I'm pretty." I looked at her, not quite understanding. She had long, straight black hair and deep brown, slanted eyes. She was gorgeous. "I know it's quite unorthodox to ask for help from a fellow competitor, but I'm prepared to help you in return. If you design an original dress for me, I'll help you master your etiquette."

I still wasn't quite grasping what she was saying: we had an etiquette lesson this afternoon. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but the Selection process isn't random at all, actually." I wondered where Mai was going with this. "I was ten years old when the palace official visited my home. The war had been going on for two years, and my parents had just moved from New-Asia, to be safer." She seemed pained, somehow. "It's been planned for nine years that I would be participating in the Selection, and I know it's been the same for the other girls of the right age, with the right qualities. I've had nine years practicing to have the manners of a queen, to know how to act around nobility, to speak to diplomats; I could help you more than Miss Nicole could. I see you during her lessons; I know you think this is important, too."

I sensed she was finished. "Are you okay?" I finally asked. "It must've been a difficult childhood for you." She seemed taken aback. "Honestly..." She started. "I wish that when my parents called me 'their little princess', it was out of affection, not out of ambition." I felt a tinge of sadness for her, although I could never really understand what it was like to have parents pressure me. "I accept your offer. I'll design you the most beautiful dress there is, and help my maids make it. The prince won't be able to keep his eyes off you." I smiled at her. "How do you feel about mint green?" She lit up. "It's a great color." I already had some ideas. "Leave it to me."

After our lesson, the majority of us sat in the Women's room to study what we had learned or to talk amongst each other. All of that was interrupted though, when loud, sharp sounds resonated from outside. Worried, we piled together, trying to catch a glance of something. "Gunshots!" Paisley cried. Just then, three palace guards busted through the doors. "Quickly! They're trying to break through: we must get you to the safe-room." One guard said, as he ushered us towards the wall the second was opening in the back of the room. I didn't have time to process it all, as the third guard asked us to form a line and we were hurried towards the secret stairway. In the midst of all this confusion, the girls were talking and crying, but a few others and I knew to remain silent. If we were too loud, we could guide the threat straight to us.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now