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THE PALACE STYLIST HAD LEFT me with the uniform of the Selected. To my dismay, the plain white shirt washed me out, as it was almost the same color as my skin. The black pants were tight and a little too long, but not too bad overall. I guessed the gowns would fit better, as they had my measurements now. Bea did my hair, I put on some makeup and we were ready to go. We had to be in town square for the send-off each girl would get today in their respective province. For security, we had to be driven there, and I quickly understood why: the streets were swarming with people.

I climbed onto the stage and was greeted with cheers. I was shocked, because no one in Angeles actually knew me, as I had been hidden away in the palace basement for the past four years, and lived in another province before that. I was a nobody, and they were cheering me on. Well, the Fours and down were cheering me on. The well-dressed Twos and Threes seemed to be glaring at me like I'd stolen something from them, which I didn't really understand.

The mayor spoke. "Everyone join me in congratulating the beautiful Lady Luna!" The crowd cheered, some holding up posters with my name on them. The national Anthem played, and I was asked to say my goodbyes. I only had Bea to say goodbye to, so I hugged her, thanked her for everything, and promised to write. The palace would send my compensation money to her, and she had promised to give it back to me when it was over, but I planned to leave it to her, knowing far too well how hard life as a Six was. She had helped me with my dream and she deserved everything.

By the size of the crowd, I had assumed everyone in Angeles was there. I was wrong: the road leading up to the palace were lined with masses of people, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Selected girls' arrivals. For the other girls, I assumed the palace would be quite a sight to behold, but I had grown accustomed to it. I was ushered inside a large room I knew as the Women's room, though it had rows of mirrors and chairs instead of the comfy couches that were normally there. I was seated in front of a mirror like the few other girls that had already arrived.

"Hi, I'm Violet; You're Luna, right?" The girl on my right said excitedly. She was slim and blonde, with friendly eyes. Truthfully, I had been so nervous about seeing the prince that I hadn't bothered to learned any of the girls' names. The girl on my left was also blonde, but seemed less friendly. She was curvy and tan, with almond shaped brown eyes and plump red lips. I felt a little intimidated by her, I admit. Three people rushed to her side.

"Miss Naomi, we'll be your stylists for the makeover. Tell us what kind of look you're looking for and we'll get right on it." She looked up at them and parted her lips and batted her eyes. "I want to be sexy, and please, do something with this hair." I then thought that we must be very different from one another, but didn't feel like she was an inherently mean person.

Soon, my stylists came over as well. "Tell me about your desired look." The head stylist said. I thought. "Well, I definitely want my bangs trimmed, though I'd like to keep them side swept. Oh, and I like warm eye shadow tones on my eyes." I added, thinking of Bea when she got me ready for my picture.

"I have a vision! " The hairstylist exclaimed. "Shoulder length, with blue reflections when that gorgeous black hair hits the light. And shorter hair is stylish, practical and sweet. What do you think?"

"That seems great." I said, feeling that I would have chosen the same thing. They asked me to go take my "before" picture while they prepared their tools. They did my hair, my makeup and my nails. By the end, I felt like myself, which is what I needed to be. I tried not to compare myself to the other girls.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now