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AFTER WHAT SEEMED LIKE HOURS, the large metal door opened. Thinking it would be one of the girls, I stood up to take a look. It was a guard, who announced that we were safe to go back upstairs. Some rebels had been captured for questioning, and the rest had fled. Dinner would be brought up to our rooms, and we would get news on Alice and Shannon later in the evening, as they were still missing.

When I got to my room, I was tackled by my three maids. Piper had tears in her eyes. "Were so glad you're okay, my lady!" I looked at them, examining them for any cuts or scratches. "What about you girls? We're you able to get to safety?" Grace smiled reassuringly. "We were downstairs, working on a dress. We have our own safe rooms there, so were completely fine." A maid brought me my dinner, and although I had no appetite, I ate all of it. It was getting late, but I didn't change out of my dress, in case we were called. Sure enough, all the selected were asked to join Prince Ethan in the parlor for an announcement.

In the crowd, I spotted Shannon's bright, red hair, and felt a wave of relief. Nonetheless, I caught no sign of Alice. "It was... a difficult attack." Ethan started, seeming exhausted. King Theodore, standing next to him, ushered him to continue. "You are to know that almost every part of this palace has a trigger on a wall, in the far right of it, to open a safe room or secret passage way. They are to be used only in dangerous situations, such as rebel attacks. This is not the first one, and certainly not the last attack that we will have." He paused. "Lady Shannon was wandering the halls, and was lucky to be guided to a nearby safe room by a guard. She is safe and among us. Although, I regret to inform you, Lady Alice was not so fortunate."

A few gasps resonated in the room. Ethan ducked his head. "She had been in the gardens when they arrived. She was... shot in the chest by a rebel. As we speak, we are questioning them, and wish to get justice for this terrible loss." He lifted his head, but his gaze seemed empty. "We will be holding a memorial for Lady Alice. Please keep in mind that it's not safe to go outside of the palace walls alone. If any of you no longer feel safe in the palace, and would like to leave, I ask you to come see me so we can say our goodbyes." He straightened his posture. "For the rest of you, I urge you to write a letter to your families, reassuring them that you are alright. Someone will come pick them up and they will be mailed tonight. We will talk in the morning, goodnight ladies."

Some girls that had been close to Alice were crying. I hadn't even considered leaving, but, within the hour, both Carmen and Olivia were gone. I hadn't known them, but I could remember them crying in the safe-room. To everyone's surprise, Evelyn, who had been bawling her eyes out, chose to stay. After all that had happened, I stood there in shock, then remembered what Prince Ethan had asked us to do. I didn't have a family to write to, but I supposed I could write to Beatrice. Up in my room, my maids gave me stationary and I composed my letter.

Dear Bea,

There was an attack, but I'm writing to you to tell you that I'm completely fine, a little shaken, but fine.

My maids were downstairs, with the seamstresses, when it happened. All of them are doing well.

Please use the compensation money from the palace if you need anything, I insist.

Don't hesitate to write,


I hoped that, by my mention of the seamstresses, she would know her daughters were both fine. Palace staff didn't have the luxury of sending letters to their loved ones. I thought of all seventeen girls' families that would receive letters tonight. A wave of sadness washed through me when I considered the eighteenth family that would not. I hadn't know Alice so well, but I was certain that she was a sweet, lovable girl. She had been the public's favorite, after all. I decided that her family should, in fact, receive a letter.

Dear Keen family,

Words cannot describe how sorry we are for your loss.

We want you to know that Alice was, and still is, loved and cherished by all.


I signed my name, that would be the first of seventeen. It was getting late, a little past 9 pm, but I knocked on every girl's door, requesting their signature. When the palace employee came to my room, I had not only my letter for Bea, but Alice's letter, signed by all of the selected girls. This was all I felt I could do in this terrible situation.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now