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INSIDE, THREE MAIDS WERE WAITING for me, all lined up, as if they knew the exact second I'd walk into the door. "Lady Luna, hello!" They said in unison. I was relieved to not have come across any of them before, that none of them seemed to recognize me. The tallest one spoke up. "We will be your maids for the duration of your stay. We take care of getting you ready for the day, or for bed, making your dresses and cleaning your room. Anything you need, we are at your service. I'm Grace." A sweet-looking girl with blonde hair peeking through her cap jumped a little. "And I'm Piper!" I liked her already. "I'm Maya, my lady." A dark-skinned girl said. "Now let's help you unpack." Grace said, probably the head maid.

A little uncomfortable, I ducked my head. "Oh, well, I didn't really bring any belongings..." Truth is, when I moved to the palace, I wasn't left with any of my personal things. Since then, I hadn't had anything of my own. Maya waved it off. "Oh, well that's fine. How are you feeling Lady Luna? Is there anything else we can assist you with right now?" They all seemed so eager to help. "I'm a little overwhelmed to be honest, I'm not sure what I should be doing next." Maya gave me a knowing smile. "Well then, let's get you ready for dinner."

They changed me out of my day dress and put me in a blue, a-line evening gown. It was a little strange to have other people dress me, but I figured I'd get used to it. It had a square neckline, and three-quarter sleeves, but wasn't too warm for April in Angeles. "You girls are so talented, this dress is gorgeous!" I praised. Piper blushed, and the others smiled. As they delicately braided my short hair, I asked what I was dying to know. "Do you girls know when I'll meet the prince?" Piper giggled. "Tomorrow!" She squealed out. My eyes widened, and I froze. "Are you alright, my Lady?" Grace asked. "Oh... I'm so nervous. What if I'm too bland for him?" I moaned miserably. "I think you stand out." Maya piped up. "Yeah! Your eyes, your hair, your smile: you're so beautiful, Luna." Piper crooned. "And very Lady-like." Grace added. It had been barely an hour, and I was already feeling so comfortable with these girls. Probably because they are just like me.

Nicole had instructed us to head down to the Women's Room at 4 pm. It was already looking like its old self again, a room of plush sofas, side tables and bookshelves. We were going to watch the special edition Selection broadcast on the Report before dinner. During the Selection, there were going to be little updates on the competition on the Report all throughout the week, though the main Report, with the royal family present, would remain on Fridays.

"And here we have superstar Lady Taylor Fox saying goodbye to her thousands of fans in Kent." Milo announced. I had almost forgotten Taylor would be part of the Selection. I scanned the room, and sure enough, there she was, sitting alongside the model whom I recognized as Hazel, her room being across the hall from mine. The broadcast consisted only of each and every girl's send-offs in their provinces, as well as their arrivals at the airport. My footage was kept for the very last. "Finally, in Angeles, we have the lovely Lady Luna, looking poised and elegant on stage. She expressed her gratitude to everyone who was there to cheer her on, and had no problem taking pictures and signing autographs for her admirers." I was surprised at how I looked on TV, relieved that I hadn't embarrassed myself.

"That's all for tonight!" Milo came back on screen. "Tune in tomorrow for a special on these ladies' makeovers, goodnight Illéa!"

We sat in the grand dining hall for dinner, though the royal family end of the table was empty. Apparently, we would only get to have dinner with them starting tomorrow, when the prince had met all the girls. We all had assigned place, mine being between Hazel Davis and Jade Eliott. I had had palace food before, but mostly leftovers or less intricate meals reserved for the staff. Never had I ever tasted something so vibrant in flavor.

After dinner came what turned out to be my favorite part of the day: getting ready for bed. My lovely maids helped me out of my dress, and I got into the bath they had prepared for me. It had rose petals inside, rose petals. Along with nice-smelling bubbles, it was all so relaxing that I could overlook having to be undressed in front of these girls. I washed myself and changed into the silk nightgown they had made for me. I had made plenty nightgowns before, and loved to touch the soft material, but I was now certain that nothing was better than actually wearing them. Maya removed the pins from my hair and brushed it gently, while I chatted with the lot of them. Everything about this night-time routine was so soothing, and I felt like I desperately needed this calm. A maid had to stay with me during the night, for security and in case I needed anything. Tonight, Grace stayed with me, settling down on the sofa-bed as I settled in for the night. The mattress was so comfy, I felt like I was floating on a cloud.

Hours had passed, and I still could not fall asleep. Tomorrow, I would meet the prince, for the first time, for all he knew, and I couldn't help over-thinking. "Hey, Grace?" I whispered, hoping she was still awake. She sat up. "Yes, my Lady? What's wrong?" I buried my face in my hands, holding back tears. "I don't want this to be all over, not yet. What if he gets a bad first impression of me? I don't want to be sent home tomorrow, before he even gets to know me, before I get to know him." I said, my voice shaking. She got up to take my hand, and gave it a light squeeze. "You need not to worry, Lady Luna. Prince Ethan is a smart boy, there is no doubt he will see your potential." I lowered my head, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry I woke you for something so silly." Grace chuckled. "You didn't wake me, I also have troubles with sleep." She let go of my hand and headed back to the couch. "Now, let's both try to get some. It's a big day tomorrow." I let out a breath. "It sure is."

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now