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THE REPORT THIS WEEK WAS a grim one. On it, they broadcasted a memorial for Alice Keen of Paloma. Her picture, one of a beautiful, smiling girl, was hung up where everyone could see. Milo Ren and the royal family offered their condolences to her province and loved ones, while the Selected sat silent, in black dresses. Alice apparently had a very large, farm-owning family that loved her dearly. If I died, I considered, I wouldn't have a family to mourn me. I don't know if that fact makes me relieved or incredibly sad.

Later that night, I was sitting in my room when Maya answered the door. On the other side, was none other than Prince Ethan. "Good evening, Luna. I hope I'm not intruding." Like he could. I stood up, curtsied and smiled. "Of course not Ethan, how are you?" He tilted his head and smiled softly, which made my heart beat just a little faster. "I'm fine, all things considered. I was just coming here to ask the same question to you." I ducked my head. "I'm feeling a little sad, to be honest, but I'll be fine." I gestured to my maids. "These girls are so sweet to me; they always manage to make me feel better." They giggled. He said he was fine, but he looked like he was about to cry. Before I could think of how to make him feel better, he spoke. "I need to go check on the other girls now; you should try to get some rest. Goodnight, Luna. I'm glad you chose to stay." I wished him a good night and he kissed my hand. That night, I stirred in my bed, feeling how much this situation must weigh on him, wishing I could be there for him.

I decided that I would make a gift for him. The next day, I asked my maids to bring me white fabric as well eggplant colored fabric dye. I was planning to make a flower out of fabric, a cappuccino lily. It was simple enough to make, and I didn't want to give him something too over-the-top. I had to be hand-made though, since nothing in the palace was really mine.

I couldn't start making it just yet though, as I noticed my sketchbook was missing. I had forgotten it in Gwen's room, the previous day. When I was heading back to my room, sketchbook in hand, I was stopped by the sound of loud, very loud, crying. Sure enough, it was coming from Evelyn Macey's room. I knocked gently. "I'm sorry, miss, now isn't a good time." A maid answered, sticking her head out of the door. "I'm worried about Evelyn." I replied. She got out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "The most terrible thing happened." The maid sighed. "We were downstairs all morning, you see, gathering our cleaning supplies and such. Lady Evelyn had planned to stay in the Women's room today, so we didn't think she'd need our assistance until dinner time. Nevertheless, she called for us." The maid paused, looking guilty.

"When we came back to Lady Evelyn's room, she was sitting on the ground, surrounded by her gowns, all ripped to shreds." My eyes widened. "No!" I gasped. The maid simply nodded. "All the dresses we made for her are completely ruined. Someone must've came in while we were all gone..." I shook my head in disbelief. I'd be devastated if someone ruined the dresses my maids worked hard to make for me. "Listen," I started, taking the maid's hands, "Evelyn can borrow any of the gowns for my wardrobe. I know she's a little thinner than me, but it's just temporary." From the room, Evelyn sobs echoed, and I felt nothing but compassion for her. "I have more than enough dresses to last me the week. Therefore, for this week, my maids could help you sew new dresses for Evelyn's wardrobe. This way, she'll have enough in no time." The maid's mouth gaped open. "Oh miss, that's too much..." I took out a sketch of a baby pink dress from my sketchbook. "Here, I think this would look amazing on Evelyn. This could be the first piece of her new wardrobe." I smiled. "My, that's gorgeous, your maids are very talented." I blushed. "Actually, I designed that. I hope she'll like it." The maid shook her head vigorously. "She'll love it! Oh, Lady Evelyn is so sweet, it pains us to see her like this...She's been having a rough time, what with losing her friend Lady Alice." I gestured for the maid to follow me to my room, and she left with a few dresses for Evelyn for the next days. I hoped she would feel okay again soon. I spent the rest of the day in my room, feeling a bit gloomy myself.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now