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WE WOULD BE CELEBRATING PRINCE Ethan's birthday in the palace next week, on May 17th. There would apparently be a grand party, a ball in his honor. Therefore, most of our lessons this week consisted of ballroom dancing and general party manners.

One day, after our lesson, I was walking back to my room when muffled voices caught my attention. I ducked behind a column as two girls passed by. "Did you hear about Hazel? Everybody's talking about her." A girl I recognized as Audrey said. "No, what did she do?" Ruby replied, clearly eager for this gossip. "Apparently, she only got so famous in the modelling world because she sleeps around. People are saying she did the same thing to get here." I covered my mouth. "Well, I guess her looks are all she has to offer." Ruby laughed. They continued on and got out of earshot.

I furrowed my brows and got out of my hiding place. Were people actually believing this? Hazel was the last person to deserve all this negative attention. Anyway, her private life wasn't anybody's business. I got to my room, but instead of going inside, I went next door. Hazel opened the door, not seeming too upset. She invited me in and I spoke. "Did you hear what they're saying about you?" Shockingly, she burst out laughing. "It's ridiculous, isn't it? I don't know what the girl who started this nonsense was thinking, but she's not getting me eliminated over a little rumour. I've already had my agents confirm the truth to palace officials." I smiled, admiring her strength.

"Does anything ever get to you?" I questioned, amazed. She shrugged. "I'm just grateful for the life that I have. I figure that anyone who tries to ruin that life is just jealous of it." I sighed, slumping down on a chair. "I wish I were more like you; you're incredible." I admitted. "I care too much about what other people think." She put her hand on my shoulder. "And yet, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you: you're gorgeous, smart, sweet, caring, and much more. There should be no doubt in your mind that anything negative people have to say about you is definitely not true." Hazel stared deep into my eyes, and I blushed. "That's so nice... thank you, Hazel." I said, bashful. I stood up, clapping my hands together. "Well, if I see any of those girls, I'll make sure to dispel that ridiculous rumour." Hazel was my first real, close friend, along with Gwen, of course. I felt a connection with them, and it was crazy to think that if it hadn't been for all this, we'd have never met. No way was I going to let anyone hurt them.

In my room, I was working on Mai's dress when I had a thought. There was something that I needed to do, and the deadline was coming up fast. I needed to make Ethan's birthday present. However, what could I make for a boy I didn't know all that much about? I knew he was kind, caring, intelligent and artistic, but what would he like to receive as a gift? Out of ideas, I thought of something I had always wanted, ever since I was little. I remember asking for a stuffed bear, time and time again, but all our money went for food, never for frivolous things. I was so upset, I ended up making one for myself. My teddy bear was crooked and sad-looking, it was missing an eye and the material was cheap, but oh, how I loved it all the same. I had lost it when my parents abandoned me, and I really miss holding it.

Would Ethan like such a thing? Was it too girly, again? I'd always been so feminine, it was hard to think of what a boy would like. I figured that after a long, stressful day as the prince, he'd have a cute bear to hug. My maids were busy downstairs making gowns for me, as they were a little behind schedule after helping out Evelyn's maids the week before. Instead of calling for them, I went down to get the materials I needed myself. Seeing the seamstress' quarters, I felt a pinch of nostalgia. It was funny to think that, almost two months ago, I was down here, making gowns for the Ones and Twos. Now, I was a Three, and I was wearing the gowns.

"Lady Luna!" Someone behind me exclaimed. I turned to see Maria, followed by her sister Lydia, and I was glad they hadn't yelled out my real name. Fearing that it was too risky to engage in conversation with them, I remained formal. "Girls, I'm looking for certain materials, could you help me?" Maria curtsied, comically. "Of course my Lady. What are you making?" I grinned. "A bear."

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now