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THE NEXT MORNING, 4 AM, as planned, in a secluded area behind the palace, Lydia was waiting for me behind a large dumpster. I had changed out of my uniform and left it for her in my room, instead wearing the plainest clothes I owned. She was wearing the spare uniform I had given to her previously. We couldn't stay long as to not raise suspicion. I hugged her and whispered the directions to mine and her sister's rooms. I suspected she would go there first thing, then, when she came back to my room, my roommates would help her adjust to her new life; my old one. She snuck inside and I dashed for the deep woods behind the palace. I walked, hidden behind the trees, till I arrived to the town. It was easy to find my way to Bea's house, though I felt very unsafe, alone in these streets.

"There you are! I was beginning to get worried. Come in, come in..." She embraced me. "Lydia is fine? Is she with her sister?" I nodded. "I'm leaving for work soon, but you should get some rest; palace officials probably won't arrive until 8. Oh! We were so happy for you when we heard your name." She looked up. "How I wish I had been chosen for King Theodore's Selection back in the day! Though Queen Cordelia is lovely."

I smiled brightly, but I felt nauseated. I was so anxious it was barely endurable.

"There's some breakfast on the table and I prepared Maria's old room for you since you'll be staying here for the next three days." In three days, I'd be returning to the palace, not as a nameless employee, but as a Lady. Everything was changing so fast.

I lied down on the bed upstairs, but felt nervous that I might miss a knock on the door, so I settled on the living room couch instead.The first knock came at 8:30. It was a serious-looking woman in a business suit.

"Miss Luna Atwood?" She raised her eyebrow at me. I nodded. "I'm here to go over the official rules of the Selection with you." I guided her to the kitchen table, and she started.

"First of all, as of yesterday, you are now considered property of Illéa. You must take care of your body as best you can. We'll have a doctor come examine you tomorrow, and I have these multivitamins here that you must take daily, as you are a Six and might not have had access to proper nutrition. Please sign here to confirm you have received them." Truth is, palace employees were fed relatively well, but I couldn't say that.

"Now, I also need you to sign this form here. It is to confirm that you have never broken Illéa law, including the one about virginity before marriage, I must precise." My eyes widened. "Oh no, that's not a concern at all." I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants. "The only boyfriend I've ever had was in middle school." I added.

She nodded. "Moving on, you are not to leave the palace unless dismissed by the prince himself. No one other than Prince Ethan may ask you to leave. Additionally, there is no set timeline for the Selection: the prince has however long to make his choice." I silently hoped that I'd get to stay very long.

"Moreover, you do not arrange your time with the prince, you must be present for all Capital Report broadcasts, every Friday, and you must be willing to be filmed or photographed within the palace by any reporter who wishes to see your lifestyle." She took a breath, having been speaking so fast. "Finally, you must remain respectful to everyone in the palace, including the thirty-four other contestants. Any kind of violence might result in your expulsion by the prince. Most importantly, your only romantic relationship is with Prince Ethan for the duration of your stay, of course. As of now, you are a Three."

"Forever?" I asked, out of shock. "Unless you are to become a One." She chuckled. "If these rules are clear, please sign here. I will leave them with you if you wish to go over them once again." She got up. "In the next two days, you will be seeing three other palace visitors. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact me."

When she left, I sat on the couch again, unable to do much more because of my nerves. Another knock came around 3 pm. The cheerful man announced himself as the palace stylist, and I instantly felt happier, in my element.

"I'm here to take your measurements and discuss your personal style, so your maids may get started on making a few dresses for you." I was absolutely giddy at the thought that I'd actually get to wear these dresses I had been making all these years. He took my measurements and we sat down so he could write down my answers to his next questions.

"What colors do you like, miss?" I thought. "I love pastel colors: light blue, mint, light pink, lilac..." He nodded enthusiastically. "You'd look stunning in lilac! Next, sleeves: long or short?" I piped up. "Any! Though I'm quite fond of off-the-shoulder sleeves, or ruffled sleeves."

"Wise words, wise words..." He continued. "Necklines?" I took no pause to think, this time. "Square or sweetheart, of course." I felt a complicity form between us. "Any opinions on skirt types?" I shook my head. "I love all of them!"

I signed his form and he left. The next morning, a palace doctor dropped by to examine me.

"Everything seems in order, miss Luna, though you seem to be having some anxiety: you shoulders are exceedingly tense. Are you sleeping well?" I ducked my head. "Not really..." I'd always had trouble sleeping, though. He left me with some sleeping pills and urged me to wind down, relax. I'd be trying to do that all my life.

The last two guests were a palace guard who went over security measures with me and explained the procedure if there is a rebel attack. I know the doctor had urged me to calm down, but I couldn't help over-thinking, scared at the idea of rebels in the palace. Although I'd been through a few attacks, it was different now. Before, I was a nobody; now, I might be someone the rebels could actually target.

Lastly, a woman explained to me how the day of my departure would go. Since I was already in Angeles, I didn't need to take a plane like the other girls, so it was simple enough. All in all, everything seemed to real and much too fast. But I knew this is what I wanted.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now