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WITH BARELY ANY SLEEP IN my body, I got up early to get ready; I needed to look good today. I took a bath and changed into my robe. Maya then worked on my makeup in soft, peachy tones, while Piper did a little braided headband-thing with my hair. Grace looked through my dresses a little before saying: "We'll have to make more of these for you, I'm sure you'll be around pretty long." She winked at me, and I felt a little boost of confidence, which I suspected was her goal all along.

They were all so talented that I was convinced I got the best maids in the palace. All three agreed that dusty blue was my best color, and Grace handed me a gorgeous off-shoulder day dress, with dainty ruffled sleeves. I fell in love for the second time in my life. I silently hoped that, if I didn't get to keep the prince, I'd at least get to keep these dresses. They put in on me, rubbed me with a cream that smelled like flowers, and I was ready.

Miss Nicole had said to arrive in the main library at 10 am for our first lesson with her. I thanked my maids and headed off, not wanting to be late. The first-floor library was gigantic. There were twelve rows of desks, each seating three people, surrounded by rows and rows of books. The girls all looked even prettier than yesterday, and I felt my nerves creep up on me. Hazel, her dark skin dewy and flawless, locked her eyes on me and patted the seat next to her. I obliged happily.

"I guess some girls didn't get the memo that we needed to wear a day dress, not a party dress. By the looks of it, they plan on dancing in a nightclub with the prince later today." She said to me, as if we were already friends. I looked around and saw a few girls dressed in dresses so tight, it left nothing to the imagination. I burst out in giggles, joined by Hazel, trying hard to keep my voice down. I looked at her dress, an elegant red one. "You look great!" I observed. Hazel flipped her short hair exaggeratedly. "Of course I do, I'm clearly a model." She said dramatically. I didn't know how to react until she whispered in my ear: "I'm imitating Harper. She really puts the whole modelling world to shame."

Luckily, miss Nicole hadn't arrived yet as I would have probably gotten in trouble for laughing too loud. I was glad to see all models weren't like Harper though; Hazel seemed so down-to-earth. Violet sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled back; it had never been so easy to make friends. Violet was a dancer, and I suspected this would prove to be an advantage during palace balls.

When Nicole entered, she wasted no time. She immediately taught us how to curtsy, and had us practice a little, as we would need it today, then moved on to her lesson on table manners. "You will have dinner with the royal family tonight, so you have to be at your best." She insisted. Miss Nicole was fast-paced and strict, but I listened intently and found myself understand all this quite well. I could see why she was assigned the role as our instructor. Some girls didn't really understand the importance of these lessons: Naomi was more interested in her nails, and another girl I didn't know was tapping hers impatiently. I saw Hazel was dozing off, and I had to stifle a laugh, instead giving her a tap on the shoulder, so she wouldn't get in trouble.

The lesson took two hours, and then we had to go wait in the Women's room, as Prince Ethan would come meet all of us at 1 pm. In an hour. I tried to study what we had just learned, not wanting to forget anything, but instead ended up chatting with Gwen, as Hazel was with Taylor. I found that I really liked Gwen. She was calm and poised while I was a pile of nerves. I hoped her demeanor would rub off on me a little today, as I really needed it.

"What do you think the prince is really like?" I asked, remembering that she said she was very observant. I needed to be more reasonable. I felt like I was maybe too infatuated with the prince, without knowing him that much yet. I didn't want all my expectations of him to be based on our one meeting and the glimpses I'd had over the years. I knew for sure that I really liked him, but I wanted to start on a clean slate.

While Gwen was reflecting, the brown-haired girl sitting next to us interjected. "Oh, he's so handsome! That hair!" She gushed. That much was true. "You're definitely spot-on about that, Alice." Gwen replied. "But personality-wise, I think he's definitely as smart and kind-hearted as he seems. Yet, I get a feeling that he's also very reserved, and might have trouble expressing himself." If this turned out to be true, I assumed it would be difficult for him to navigate the Selection. Alice nodded solemnly. "I see, I see... So, you're good with psychology, right? Be honest Gwen..." She paused, a torned look on her face. "Do you think the prince will like my dress?" We all laughed.

A knock came on the big, double doors of the Women's room, and my heart stopped. Sure enough, Prince Ethan entered, with a few reporters. He had on a crisp gray suit, with a light blue tie. It was silly, but I was giddy over the idea that we matched. "Good-afternoon ladies." He said, in his warm voice I was so fond of. "I'm very excited to meet each of you, as you all look absolutely stunning." The was a collective giggle. "One at a time, a maid will come get you, so we can properly introduce ourselves."

The wait was agonizing. I sat stiffly on the couch, rubbing my hands together, glancing occasionally at the prince as he spoke to other girls. I looked at Gwen, who was reading peacefully, and tried to mirror some of that calm. She got to meet him before me, and came back smiling. "How was it?" I prodded, eager to know. "He really is a sweetheart. I can't wait for an actual date with him." Soon after, a maid came to get me. "Lady Luna, the prince will meet with you now."

Standing up straight, with my head held high, I walked over to him. He was just a boy, I had to remind myself. When I got to him, I curtsied as Nicole had taught us. "Your highness." I said, forcing confidence into my voice. He smiled, and I melted. "Lady Luna, pleasure to meet you. Sit down, please." We sat, one in front of the other. "Lady Luna, how are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm a bit nervous, I admit. It's all a bit overwhelming, but in a good way." I tilted my head. "And you?" He looked taken aback, and I searched my words, hoping I hadn't said anything wrong. "I'm just fine, though I'm a bit overwhelmed too. I'm to lead this country one day, but right now, I can't imagine anything more nerve-wracking than making a good impression on all of you." He laughed, a soft, musical sound. I suddenly felt some jealously towards Hazel, who was so funny, she'd probably get to hear his laugh all the time.

"Will you be fine, what will all your work as prince, to navigate the Selection as well?" I asked, genuinely concerned for him. I had so many questions for Ethan, him being on my mind all the time. Being face-to-face with him was so much better than simply admiring him from afar. "It is quite a struggle, but I find it well worth it." He finally said. "I need to do good, this is my only, chance, after all." I wondered what he meant by that.

Before I could inquire about it, he cleared his throat. "So, what do you do back home?" He asked. "I'm a seamstress." I said, cheerful. Even though it was nothing glamorous, I'd always liked my job. "That suit is amazing, by the way." I added. "Why thank you. Other than sewing, what are your hobbies?" I chimed up. "I love designing dresses. I have a notebook full of sketches." I admitted. "And well, I like anything that has to do with making something, whether it be a dress, a toy, a pillow..." I turned to him. "What about you?" I asked, wondering if he was still into drawing as well, hoping to find common ground. "I draw as well, though I'm more fond of portraits." He said, seeming bashful. "That sounds wonderful." He smiled. "Maybe I can show you sometime." He got up. "Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Lady Luna. It was a pleasure talking with you." I blushed, curtsied, and went back to my seat, feeling happy and drained all at once from the drop in anxiety.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now