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FOR OUR LESSON, MISS NICOLE taught us how to speak and present ourselves during interviews. Last week, on the Report, we just got to sit there in the background. Tonight, we would all be interviewed for the first time by Milo. I felt a bit nervous, but figured that I would do fine. Even though I was a generally anxious person, I had never been particularly shy. Someone whom I recognized as Claire Evans, on the other hand, looked positively petrified. I saw Gwen go speak to her, so I joined in. "What's going on, Claire?" I admired how kind Gwen was to everyone, even though we were all competing. I was never so competitive myself. "Oh, it's silly..." She muttered in a tiny voice. "I'm a historian, you see... I'm in libraries all day, and just the thought of being on television with all those people watching I..." She stammered nervously. "Hey, it's okay; it's a new experience for all of us." I put my hand on her arm. "Try to work on your self-esteem, it might be at the root of this fear you have." Gwen suggested. Claire thanked us and scurried off, seeming embarrassed.

Gwen turned to me. "What about you? Are you nervous?" I laughed. "Not as much, I think. The only think I can do is be myself, and hopefully the people can find some worth in me." Gwen nodded. "I wonder what Milo Ren will think of the fact prince Ethan has dated fourteen girls so far, and out of them, nine are gone. This means he's already eliminated fifteen of us total." She was right, Zoey had left this morning. The only girls to have survived their first date were Agatha, Mai, Alice, Gwen and Taylor. The remaining girls referred to it as The Deadly First Date. He couldn't be doing this without reason, though. Only twenty selected girls were remaining, so I supposed it was already less overwhelming for him, this way.

I was sitting in my room, sketching, when my maids came bustling in, brandishing a dress bag in the air. "We finished your dress for the Report!" Maya said, seeming overjoyed. I got up from my chair as they unzipped the bag. "Oh, girls, it's gorgeous..." I couldn't believe my eyes. They had brought my design to life in such a way it left me breathless. "Now, now, let's get you ready." Grace said. They did my hair in an intricate half-up, half-down style, and my makeup in warm, blush tones.

All the girls were radiant in a way that it seemed like they were all competing to be the center of attention on TV. I wondered if I would stand out at all. One girl had gone so far as to wear a fluorescent dress that I could only assume glowed in the dark. We all took our place in one of four rows of five seats and witnessed as the lights went on in the studio and everything and everyone went into place. I glanced at Prince Ethan, who was sitting next to his mother, looking calm and handsome. I sat up straight as Milo fixed his tie in front and the cameras went on.

"Good evening Illéa!" Milo chanted. "Tonight will be entirely dedicated to getting to know the remaining young ladies of the Selection. But first, a word with the man of the hour, Prince Ethan!" Prince Ethan walked up to Milo's podium and sat down on the high chair besides him. "Thank you Milo." Milo cleared his throat. "How has the Selection been so far, my prince?" Ethan laughed lightly. "It certainly has been a big change from my everyday life. All the same, it has been an enjoyable experience meeting so many lovely ladies." Milo nodded. "And it seems we're down to only twenty of these lovely ladies. How have so many of them gone so soon?" Prince Ethan seemed suddenly nervous. "I mean, I don't quite know what I'm looking for, but what I do know is that I'll feel something when it's right in front of me. Maybe it's silly, but I'm really hoping to fall in love, and I hope to find someone who is the best for our country. To find both those things in one person..." He paused, his words not coming out as rehearsed as usual. "It's a difficult task. I don't want to cause any hardship, but I'd really hate to waste anyone's time." Milo nodded again. "Highly respectable, your highness." He turned back to the screen. "And now, let's meet these twenty young ladies."

He called a girl named Ruby Allen to the stage and asked her a total of seven questions. They turned out to be the same for every girl, so I tried to prepare my answers, but I was too anxious to focus. Near the end, when it was my turn, I managed to stand up tall and walk gracefully to the podium. "Good evening, Lady Luna." I smiled, bashful. "Good evening." He cleared his throat. "Tell me, what do you think of the palace?" I thought back. At this question, Claire had stuttered something about its historical architecture, while Richie praised its value and luxury. "I think it's quite beautiful, Milo. Surely grand, but comfortable all the same. I really enjoy the gardens; those who do the landscaping are immensely talented." He continued. "How has this competition been for you, so far?" For this question, I had made a mental note not to say that it had been too overwhelming and emotional, as Evelyn Macey had. Alice, on the other hand, was a bubble of pure joy, gushing about how exciting it had all been. "I feel that not only this whole experience has been exciting, but also very enlightening. I've learned so much about the expectations and intricacies of the life of our royalty, and I feel like these things will be useful to me no matter the outcome of this competition. Meeting all these girls has been a pleasure, as well." It was true, I had never given much thought to the expectations our royalty face.

Milo raised his eyebrow. "And have you yet had a date with Prince Ethan?" Only five girls had had the opportunity to answer yes to this particular question. Agatha had answered that her date was even better than expected, and that Prince Ethan was a perfect gentleman, of course. Taylor, pop star sensation, had playfully confessed that Prince Ethan was quite the signer, and she regretted not having recorded her duet with him, though her joking tone left me wondering if he had really sang. "Not yet." I answered, keeping my smile. "Does that make you nervous?" He countered. Naomi, in her form-fitting red dress had confidently said that it was only a matter of time. Meanwhile, Hazel stated the obvious in a light, comical tone; that the prince couldn't possibly date all thirty-five ladies in only two weeks. I thought. "Well, I think, as the selected, we are his guests and must respect that he has duties to perform. I think it's very wise of Prince Ethan to keep some time for his responsibilities, and very kind of him to find so much time for us. I'm just grateful to be here." I finally answered, leaving out that it had made me a little upset.

Milo stared at me a little before continuing. "And, what do you think of the other girls, Lady Luna?" This was a tricky question. A girl named Audrey had answered that she didn't trust all of them, which didn't make her look good. I liked what Gwen had said, that they are a variety of girls from different backgrounds, therefore representative of our nation. "They all have their own unique qualities that will make them shine apart from everyone else." I said, sincerely. Next was a question Milo only asked the Fives and below. I'd never given much thought to this discrimination before now. "Do you think your caste limits you in any way?" Paisley, a Five, had admitted that it makes her a little insecure, which I didn't think was right. In stark contrast to that, Shannon, the only Seven in the competition, had answered fiercely that her caste doesn't define her. I thought that was very brave of her. "Actually, Milo, I really don't think the prince is the type to judge us based on something like that. To me, it seems like Prince Ethan will try to choose the best queen for his country, whether she be a Two or an Eight." As if in response to my answer, the last question was: "What would make you a good future princess?" Scarlett had said that, as an actress, her charisma was her best asset, since a leader must make and preserve allies, as well as inspire the nation. Mai, more humble, had answered that she simply wishes to give back as much as possible in her lifetime. I answered honestly. "I love my country, and I'm willing to learn and do all I can to be the best I can be." I didn't mention my affections for Prince Ethan, feeling that it wasn't appropriate.

I was escorted back to my seat and the next girl was called. The last few girls answered the questions and it was over. I wondered if Bea had seen me, sitting in the general store to watch The Report, if my former friends had seen me, watching from the staff rooms downstairs.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now