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I WAITED TILL THE GIRLS went to work to reread the form calmly. It was simple enough; only ten, short questions. I had to change my first name though, as Liliana was pretty uncommon and someone might recognize me as a palace employee. I went with something similar, with the same last name as I felt it was more common, therefore safe enough. I was completely honest for the rest, so it wasn't too difficult.

Name: Luna Atwood

Province: Angeles

Caste: 6

Occupation: Seamstress

Age: 18

Height: 5'4

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair color: Jet black

Eye color: Light blue

Other languages: French

Special attributes: Dress-making, Concept art

I had learned French from my former foster mother, and suspected that multiple languages are considered an advantage for a potential princess. I felt insecure about some things though. Was the Selection's process really so random? Surely they couldn't pick just anyone ; They had to have some standards. Would I be discriminated against because I was a Six? Queen Cordelia had been a Three before her selection, so surely they didn't only consider Twos, but was Six just too low? On top of that, I also feared I'd be too short, not busty or thin enough for those luxurious gowns, too pale, or too plain.

Tomorrow, I would take extra time getting ready for the picture they would take. It would go right there, next to the empty frame near the information I filled out. I wanted to look my best, just in case it wasn't completely random, as they said. I've never thought of myself as particularly unattractive, and some people have complimented my looks over the years, so maybe I'd have a chance even if they actually looked at the pictures before choosing. Nevertheless, I had the nagging suspicion that I'd be a pile of nerves until they announced the 35 chosen ones in two weeks.

The next day, I got up very early so Bea and Lydia could help me get ready before work. I scrubbed myself off with their homemade soap, and put on a blue sundress a friend had lent them. That friend, a Two who always hired them to take care of her house, was also kind enough to let us borrow a curling iron, eye shadow and mascara. Lydia curled my messy, jet black hair and Bea applied some eye shadow on me to bring out my blue eyes. With all that and some colored lip-gloss I looked pretty, I thought. Way better than in my work uniform, with my hair pulled back.

"Lili you look absolutely beautiful!" They gushed. I ducked my head, blushing, and thanked them. "My name is Luna now, though." I reminded them. Maybe they would hear it on the Report in two weeks, I thought, hoping.

They headed off to work and I walked to Angeles' services office, where I would have my picture taken and drop off my application. The line stretched out for what seemed like miles, full of beautiful girls. I had to remind myself that even if it was a one in a million chance, I really ought to try. I had the suspicion that Prince Ethan was worth it.

I couldn't believe the line was so full this early in the morning. Some girls even had bags under their eyes, and messy bed hair. Others looked like they were going to an extravagant evening ball, and others just looked pretty. I hoped I didn't look too overdone. When it was my turn, I smiled shyly, thinking that maybe, just maybe, this picture would pop onto everyone's TV screens.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now