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I HAD BEEN THROUGH ONLY two big rebel attacks over the years of working in the palace. The staff had their own secret safe-rooms in the basement, but there was never much danger. The rebels knew no one of importance was in those areas: just plain old Sixes, like some of them probably had been before becoming outlaws, Eights. In this moment, I felt endangered: I wasn't just a faceless nobody anymore. All fourteen of us that had been in the Women's room arrived to a very large, metal shelter, deep underground. It was the safe-room for the royal family and their guests, and even though it was secure, I figured it was the first place blood-thirsty rebels would be looking for.

The six girls who hadn't been with us were missing, while everyone who was here huddled up near the back of the safe room. I sat between Gwen and Hazel, hoping they could keep me calm, as they always did. Scarlett and Naomi arrived shortly after; apparently, they had been doing their nails together, as only half their hands were done. Prince Ethan looked worried as he made rounds, asking if everyone was okay and if they had seen the missing girls. "How are you feeling, ladies? Are you hurt?" He asked Gwen, Hazel and me. Then "Do any of you know where the others might be?" He had a desperate look in his eyes. "Mai mentioned something about reading in her room." Gwen offered. "And Evelyn said she wasn't feeling well; she might have gone to take a nap." I remembered. He thanked us and continued his rounds. I felt sad, seeing him so anxious. He was always so calm.

Not long after, Mai entered the safe room, eyes wide with worry, a book still in her hand. Hazel, as usual, was trying to lighten up the somber mood. "I bet whatever she was reading, it wasn't as action-packed as this." I smiled. Gwen remained her calm, rational self. "The guards just said the rebels were trying to enter. They're just fending them off, no need to get worried." I stayed silent, trying to keep myself together. About ten minutes later, Evelyn entered the safe room, crying hysterically. Other girls had been crying, but she was bawling. "I couldn't find the room!" She wailed. Ethan rushed to her side, and seemed to be trying to comfort her.

The King and Queen sat at the front of the room with a few guards positioned around them. They looked as in-control as Gwen and Hazel. I wondered, then, how I'd feel if one of my two friends won the Selection. Could I really be happy for them? They were the two closest friends I'd ever had, and I'd hate for this to get between us. I stared at the prince, looking torn-up trying to comfort all eighteen distressed girls. Alice Keen and Shannon Faber never arrived to the safe-room.

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now