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THE BALLROOM WAS DECORATED WITH the most grandiose of ornaments, had live musicians playing, large buffet tables and was packed full of people. Prince Ethan's birthday ball was on the exact date, and it seemed people from all over had come to celebrate it, as I heard many different languages around me. Everyone was chatting or dancing, and the prince would be dancing with all seventeen selected girls at least once, or so we were told. Since we were many girls, and the prince couldn't be with us all at once, the guards were required to act as our dance partners. I danced with one or two, glancing at Prince Ethan from time to time, as he slow danced with other girls.

As I went to grab a snack at the buffet table, I was stopped in my track by a guard. He was tall and had very broad shoulders, with light hair cropped short. "Care to dance, Lady Luna?" I obliged, as I wasn't sure if it was very Ladylike to refuse. It was all fine though as we danced to a classical song, until it wasn't. The guard's hands slid a little too low, and I caught him staring at my breasts more than once. Not wanting to cause a scene on Ethan's special day, I politely excused myself, claiming I had to go to the restroom. "Do you need to be accompanied?" The perverted guard grinned. I clenched my fists, feeling afraid. "No, that's quite alright, officer..." I paused, trying to read is lapel. "Reed." He interrupted, still flashing that sick grin.

Deeply uncomfortable, as I walked across the ballroom, towards the large doors, I paused momentarily. Ethan was nowhere to be seen, which struck me as strange. Wasn't this his birthday? Had he just gone to the restroom or something? As I roamed the halls, happy to be far from that officer, I wondered where Ethan could have gone. I turned a corner, and saw a black sleeve peeking out from behind a column. "Prince Ethan? Are you alright?" I approached. He was sitting down on the floor, and seemed both shocked and embarrassed when he saw me.

"Luna! What are you doing here?" He asked. Not wanting to go into detail about the guard, I shrugged it off. "Just wanted to get a little quiet, I guess. What about you?" Ethan got up. "Same as you. Honestly, I don't really enjoy these parties." I furrowed my brows, concerned. "But it's your birthday." I had never gotten gifts for my birthday, but I knew it was supposed to be a happy day. He laughed humorlessly. "Ah, indeed, the day my father uses every year if only to negotiate with dignitaries and leaders of other countries. He thinks so little of this day, he didn't even wish me a happy birthday, this year." I felt sad for Ethan, but tried to smile in a comforting way. "Have you gotten any presents yet?" I asked, thinking that the thought of presents could cheer him up. "My mother gave me new drawing tools and the guests brought gifts, but I haven't opened them yet. Some of you girls made me cards, and that made me happy." He managed a smile.

I figured now was as good a time as ever. "I have something for you, too." I announced, bashful. Ethan perked up. "Really? Can I see it?" I ducked my head, embarrassed. "I'm afraid I left it in my room." He gestured for me to hold his arm. "Lead the way." We walked calmly up the stairs and down the hall to my room. "Honestly, I'm having more fun right now than back there." Ethan confessed. I giggled. "I'm not a big fan of crowds, either." We got to my door and I invited him inside. My maids not being there, and the girls all being back at the party, we were completely alone. I felt my face get hot.

Delicately, I took the silver gift bag and handed it to him. "Happy birthday, Ethan." I said, smiling shyly. He put down the bag on my desk and gently took out the bear from it. He seemed genuinely perplexed and I was mortified at the thought that he might not like it, that I had made a mistake. Without saying a word, he put it down to read the card I had written, perhaps hoping it would explain. After a moment, he laughed, a warm, joyful sound. "Than-Than?" He asked, incredulous. I covered my face. "I thought it was cute." He took my hands away from my face and held them. "It is so very cute. Did you make him?" I nodded. "I wanted to make him look like you a little." He smiled, bringing the bear up to his face and squeezing it a little, seeming happy. I couldn't help but smile too. "You must think it's silly...I guess I'm not so good at coming up with gift ideas." I looked down.

He put the bear back in the bag, gently, and stared into my eyes. "Honestly, I think this is the best gift I've ever received. I've never been given something made with so much hard work and affection. I really love this little bear. Thank you, Luna." And then, unexpectedly, Ethan took me in his arms and hugged me. I held onto him, tightly, taking in his warmth, his sweet smell. He pulled away much too soon, and I was left dazed. "You managed to make my birthday so much better." Ethan added. I blushed. "You really are something special, aren't you?" He tilted his head, smiling. "I'm just being myself." I said, bashful. "Exactly." He answered.

While Ethan returned to his room to drop off Than-Than, I returned to the ballroom. This time, I stayed near Gwen, feeling a little less vulnerable to that guard. On edge, I nearly jumped when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and Ethan extended his hand out to me. "Care to dance, Lady Luna?" I eagerly took his hand, and we swayed together on the dance floor. I really wasn't the best, but I was too happy to care. I was just inches away from him again, longing for another hug. He was respectful, and placed his hands in the right places, his touch light on me. "You look wonderful in purple, too." Ethan told me, his voice almost a whisper. I did feel quite lovely in my lilac dress. "You're too kind." I blushed.

"Am I really as cute as that bear?" He then questioned, comically. I giggled. "Even more." I let slip out. "You are so cute too, Luna." We spent the rest of the song in silence, and I felt safe.

That night, I lay in bed, recalling my time with Ethan. I tossed and turned, convinced today was all a dream. I lay awake, trying to tell myself I was only infatuated, that I needed to take it slow. And yet, I thought of his smile, and how I had seen it only hours before, but ached to see it again. I thought of his laughter, ever so rare, but the most beautiful music to my ears. I thought of his eyes, so easy to get lost in. I thought of his hands in mine, soft and warm, how it seemed that they fit perfectly together. I thought of how comfortable I had felt in his arms, how safe I felt around him. I thought of how he had said I was special, and how happy that had made me. I really was falling in love with Prince Ethan Schreave, and I was so glad I'd taken this chance.

A/N: This is the final chapter of Book 1. Please read Selected: Book 2 - Flowers with Thorns for more of Luna's Selection. Thank you so much for reading and please leave a comment if you like! <3

Selected: Part 1 - Rags to GownsWhere stories live. Discover now