Chapter Eight: Confrontations about the Past

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Robin watched Paige for a moment as she talked with Alisha, he smiled softly as he watched her with their daughter; he wondered what life would have been like if they had stayed together.

The sound of the door bell ringing caught his attention, the Dutchman licked his lips nervously knowing that it would be Bouchra dropping of their children along with her new husband; this was something that he hadn’t been looking forward to.

Opening the front door to his home, Robin smiled at the sight of Shaqueel and Dina, who hurried to greet their father; Bouchra licked her lips nervously as she looked at her ex-husband.

“Bouchra,” Robin greeted coolly as he looked at his ex-wife, he still wasn’t happy that she had kept those letters from him and she couldn't blame him for being upset with him.

Daniel took his wife’s hand as Robin allowed them into his home, they all knew that this was going to be a tense affair since Shaqueel hadn’t adjusted well to the fact that his parents had divorced.

“There something that I need to talk to you two about,” Robin said gently as he led Shaqueel and Dina into the living room; the two children nodded while Bouchra watched quietly from the side.

She knew that this was partially her fault and she had to answer for her actions, she hoped that Paige would forgive her for what she had done.

“I found out recently that I have a daughter that is older than you Shaqueel, she’s your half-sister,” Robin said gently making the two children look at him; Shaqueel frowned at the thought of having another sister before looking at his mother, who had guilt written across her face.

“Alisha is currently staying here with her mother… I know that this is a big change but I would like you two to be nice to her,” Robin continued making Dina nod her head while her brother looked at their father; he didn't like the idea of another woman living with Robin since he still held hope that Bouchra would returned to him.


Watching Alisha and Dina with a small smile on her face, Paige ignored Bouchra as the older woman approached her quietly; she had no interest in what the Moroccan-Dutch had to say.

“Paige, is there a chance that we could talk?” Bouchra asked hopefully as she looked at her former friend, the brunette glanced at her knowing that they needed to keep the peace for their children’s sakes.

Paige crossed her arms as she looked at Bouchra, who moved to sit quietly so that she could apologise to the brunette; she had no idea what she could do to make it right.

“I know what I did to you all those years ago was wrong and that I deprived Alisha of her father for so many years,” Bouchra said softly making Paige watch her, she didn't know what it was but she had a feeling that she wasn’t going to like anything that the Moroccan-Dutch said.

“However if you hadn’t of left for university, I wouldn’t have fell for Robin and felt the need to defend what was mine, you just got in the way of that,” Bouchra said as if trying to find some way to pin this all on Paige, something that didn't sit right with the brunette.

Paige knew that she should have done more to get in touch with Robin but Bouchra was as much to blame as she was.

“At that point in time I thought I was doing the right thing… going to university was what I wanted and if I could go back and change what happened; I would in a heartbeat but I can’t and it kills me that Robin missed out on so much of Alisha’s life,” Paige said making Bouchra frown as she looked at the other woman; it was clear that they weren’t going to put the past completely behind them.

“I lived in your shadow for so many years; no matter what I ever did I never lived up to you,” Bouchra spat bitterly making Paige sigh as she shook her head; she didn't want to listen to the Moroccan-Dutch anymore.

It was clear that Bouchra held a lot of anger about what had happened in the past, something that Paige didn't want to get involved in since as far as she was concerned the Moroccan-Dutch had made her bed and now had to lay in it.


Robin frowned as he watched Paige walk away from Bouchra, he didn't blame the brunette for walking away; it was clear that even though Bouchra had been the one to file for divorce, she still held feelings for her ex-husband.

The Dutchman sighed as he moved towards his ex-wife; he didn't want her causing any problems between him and Paige; not after he had only just got her back in his life.

“Robin,” Bouchra said with a small smile as she spotted the Dutchman, she licked her lips wondering how much of the conversation between her and Paige he had heard.

The Moroccan-Dutch watched her ex-husband wondering what he was thinking about as he stepped into the room; she swallowed as he ran a hand through his hair.

“I know that things between us didn't work out… but I’m asking you not to drive Paige away again, I’ve just got her back Bouchra and I can’t lose her again,” Robin said as he watched his ex-wife; she stared at him as he watched a hard look fill her face.

Bouchra couldn't believe that even after all these years it was Paige that he wanted, she shook her head knowing that she would always be second place to the brunette.

“She’s married Robin… you had me and yet you loved her no matter what,” Bouchra said bitterly making the Dutchman sigh as he watched her; he had a feeling that there was something that she was hiding from him.

“Bouchra we are no longer married… I know that there was more to our divorce than you told me, but for the first time since we ended our marriage I am happy,” Robin said shaking his head, Bouchra stared at him sadly; she had never realised how much she had hurt him when she had ended their marriage and moved on with Daniel.

Bouchra blinked back tears as she stared at him.

“You still love her?” she asked softly as she tried to keep herself calm and together. Robin licked his lips as he nodded his head, he knew that it was hard for her but there was no denying that he still had feelings for Paige; he didn't know what he would do when it came time for her to return to Italy.

“I always have loved her…” Robin confessed making Bouchra look at him, her eyes watched him sadly knowing that she had done the right thing in letting him go; she had been wrong to think that she could ever hold his heart like Paige did.

“Then I hope that everything works out for you… I’m sorry for what I put you through,” Bouchra said before she walked away from Robin, she couldn't bear to look at him right now knowing that he had never loved her like he had loved Paige.

Robin sighed as he watched his ex-wife walk away, he knew that his admission had hurt her but she had broken his already mangled heart when she divorced him for Daniel.

The Dutchman took a deep breath as he headed back to the living room where Alisha and Dina were playing, he wondered what his future would hold; he didn't know how he would cope when Paige returned to Italy, he knew that he would have to do something to make sure that she stayed in Manchester with him.

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