Chapter Thirty-Four: Coming Home

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Robin smiled as the doctor handed him all the forms that allowed Paige to finally come home, he had been waiting for this since the brunette had agreed to come home; he was thrilled that slowly their relationship repairing itself.

Paige looked at him as she stepped out of the bathroom dressed in her street clothes, she knew that she was going to be on bed rest for a week before she could go back to work; she couldn’t afford much more time off.

“Are you ready?” Robin asked as he put the paperwork into his pocket, he smiled as he approached the brunette knowing that he would do anything for her; he wished there was some way that he could look after her again.

Paige nodded her head as she made sure that she had everything, she knew that it would be a while before she was completely recovered from what had happened; she smiled softly at Robin as he took her bag for her.

“Let’s go home,” the Dutchman said as he pulled the brunette close to him, he knew they’d be sleeping in separate rooms when they got home but it was the price that he would pay to have Paige back in his life again.

The footballer took her hand as they left the hospital room, he knew that the children were excited to have her back and he knew that they had missed her; he just hoped that they would be able to make things work this time.

Paige allowed Robin to pull her close, she knew that there was still things that they had to talk about; the prenup was going to cause the problems and she had a feeling that it was only going to destroy them again.


Paige smiled as she hugged Alisha close, she had missed her children and was pleased that she could finally see them again; it had been decided that it would be better if they didn’t see Paige while she was ill in hospital.

“Are you better now Mama?” Alisha asked concerned making the brunette smile softly as she pulled back, she ran her fingers carefully through her hair; she nodded her head as she smiled at her daughter.

Robin watched Paige with their daughter, his heart ached at what could have happened if she hadn’t of called him; he felt sick at the idea that he could have lost her.

The Dutchman ignored the concerned looks from his mother as Bob entered the room, the footballer glared at him knowing that he would try to in force his prenup again.

“Paige, you're back,” Bob said making the brunette look at him, she nodded her head stiffly as she looked at him; Paige wasn’t sure what to make of him being here but she knew that he was going to enforce the prenup.

“How long will you be staying for?” Bob asked curiously, he had been working hard since she had been in hospital and he knew that he was only going to get one chance to make this right; he just hoped that he would be able to get them to agree with what they had planned.

“She’s staying for as long as she wants,” Robin snapped as he glared at his father, he didn’t care what it took, he was going to look after Paige and he didn’t care what anyone thought.

Bob nodded his head as he looked at his son, he licked his lips knowing that he had to keep his surprise a secret; he knew that in two weeks he could hopefully fix all of the damage that he had done to the couple.

“Is there something that you wanted Bob?” José Ras asked as she looked at her ex-husband curiously, she knew that he was up to something; he had taken Shaqueel and Alisha out the day before and now the two children wouldn’t tell her where they had been.

Bob smiled at her before signalling for her to follow him, he wouldn’t be telling her this if he didn’t need her help; he hoped that this would get him back in the good books since he had made a complete mess of things.

José Ras frowned as she followed her ex-husband out of the living room and into the office, he closed the door behind her and nibbled on his lip as he looked at her; he took a deep breath as he prepared to tell her what he had planned for Robin and Paige.


Paige grinned as she dried herself off, she was glad that she had been able to get a bath even if she had to make sure that her bandage stayed dry; she felt even better now that she had cleaned away the hospital smell.

“You okay?” Robin asked as he looked at her concerned, he had been waiting for her while she’d had her bath and he couldn’t stop himself from worrying about her; he doubted that he would ever forget that he had nearly lost her.

“Robin,” the brunette breathed as she placed a hand on her heart, she hadn’t expected him to be waiting for her while she was in the bath; she took a deep breath as she tried to calm her wildly beating heart.

“I just wanted to make sure that you were okay,” Robin said as he got off the bed and moved towards her, he watched her for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her; the brunette didn’t stop him as he carefully pulled her close.

The former couple stood silently as they took in how damaged their relationship had become, Paige blinked back tears as she buried her head into his chest as Robin held her close to his body.

“I wish we could go back,” Paige said softly as she pulled away from Robin, she moved away from him knowing that she couldn’t get to attached to him; it would only make things harder for her later on.

Robin watched her as she moved to dress, he knew that there had to be something that he could do to fix this; he knew that they were going to be stuck in limbo again but he hoped that his lawyer would find a way out of it for them.

“You should head back to your room,” Paige said knowing that he couldn’t stay with her, she closed her eyes as she felt her heart ache at the thought of being away from Robin again; the footballer shook his head as he moved towards her.

“Would you mind if I stayed here tonight?” the Dutchman asked as he carefully walked towards Paige and wrapped his arms around her, he knew that he was going to make things difficult but he wanted her in his arms even if it was only for one night.

Paige turned to look at him, her heart begging her to agree knowing that Bob wasn’t paying much attention to them right now and this could be their only chance to spend the night together.

“Please… I need to be with you tonight,” Robin said softly as he pleaded with her, he didn’t know what he would do if Paige said no; he had a feeling that he’d end up watching her all night anyway.

The brunette licked her lips as she watched him curious as she nodded her head, she didn’t have it in her to say when he looked at her like that; she had a feeling that the last few weeks had been hard on both of them.

Robin smiled at her gratefully, he knew that this was only going to make things harder for them later on; however right now he needed to be with her.

“I’ve missed you Paige,” the Dutchman said as he carefully moved to pull her closer, he wanted nothing more than to be close to her; he brushed some hair from her face.

Paige sighed as she wrapped her arms around Robin’s neck, she rested her head against his; she closed her eyes knowing that they needed to make things work


Author's Note:

Only two chapters remaining.

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