Chapter Thirty: Falling Apart

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Paige lay in her room as she stared at the empty space next to her, she knew that her relationship with Robin was slowly dying; it had been two weeks since she had signed the prenup and the brunette could see that they weren’t going to survive.

The couple were struggling with the restrictions that had been placed upon them and between Robin’s training and her new job; the couple barely saw one another, if at all and they knew that with their wedding coming up their relationship was going to struggle.

Paige turned over with a groan as she willed herself to sleep, she missed Robin but she knew that there was nothing that she could do about it; she hated that this was the way things had to be if they wanted to get married.

Sitting up annoyed, Paige climbed out of bed and carefully walked out of her room; she knew that the children were asleep and she didn't want to wake them up, she paused to look at Robin’s bedroom before she headed downstairs in her PJ cami top and shorts.

Paige headed into the kitchen and pulled out a cup so that she could make herself a warm drink, she hoped that it would help her sleep.

“You okay?” Robin asked as he walked into the kitchen, he had heard her leave her room and knew that she was struggling as much as he was; the couple felt like they had sold their souls and now they had to live with the consequences.

“I’ve been better,” Paige said as she nodded her head as she looked at him, she felt exhausted and she had work the next day meaning that she needed to get some sleep.

“I wish there was a way around this… I want you back in my bed,” Robin said shaking his head, he didn't know what to do anymore and he had even sort out advice from his team-mates so that he could find some solution to this.

Paige nodded her head, she hated that she slept alone now when he was just down the corridor it didn't feel right to her and she wished there was away for them to be together.

“I’ll never forgive my father for this,” Robin said shaking his head as he reached for Paige before he stopped, he hated that there was this wall between them and she was so close but yet so far from him.

The Dutchman wasn’t sure what he would do if this continued he couldn't bring himself to go through with their wedding if this was how things were going to be; he knew that it would only led to divorce.

Paige messed with her engagement ring as she looked down at her, she knew where this would end and it was her own fault; she wished that she had never signed the prenup.

“Maybe we just weren’t meant to be,” the brunette said softly breaking Robin’s heart with her words as she slipped the ring off, he hated that it was coming to this; he wished that there was something that he could do that wouldn’t breach the prenup.

“What do you want to do?” Robin asked as he ran a hand through his hair, he blinked back tears as Paige handed him back the engagement ring; they both knew that this was the only way.


Bob smiled as he stepped into his son’s home, he had come to talk to Robin about his wedding and he was a little more excited about the wedding than he had been about the second one.

“What are you doing here?” José Ras asked bitterly as she carried Noah down the stairs, she glared at her ex-husband; she didn't understand what he had against their son being happy.

Bob stared at her wondering what he had done to deserve that sort of greeting, he had hoped with time that his ex-wife and son would see why he had done what he had but it was clear that they still didn't.

“I’m here to help with the wedding planning,” Bob said making José Ras laugh bitterly as she shifted her hold on Noah, she couldn't believe that he actually thought that it was still going to happen; he had gotten what he had wanted.

“Don’t worry about the planning, you got what you wanted… they called of their engagement,” José Ras spat at Bob making him stare at his ex-wife, he blinked confused about what was happening; all he had done was protect their only son so that he didn't lose everything if they were to divorce, he had never expected them to end their engagement like that.

“What happened?” Bob asked genuinely confused about what had happened with Robin’s relationship with Paige, he had seen how much the couple cared about one another and he didn't understand how this had happened.

José Ras stared at him incredulously as she moved past him; she couldn’t believe that he had just asked her that; he had gotten what he had wanted so she didn't understand why he cared so much.

“Your stupid rules happened, their relationship fell apart because of what you did to them,” José Ras spat furiously, she hated that he had destroyed Robin’s relationship for nothing; she had seen how in love the couple had been and now it was all for nothing.

Bob stared at her as he felt his heart lurch, he hadn't wanted this to happen and he wondered if Paige had ended things because she wasn’t going to be getting anything from her marriage; he blinked as he looked at José Ras who walked into the living room.

“What will happen now?” Bob asked knowing that the couple shared two children, he looked at Noah wondering what would happen with the little boy; he didn't want to lose any of his grandchildren over something stupid.


Paige ran a hand through her hair as she continued to pack her things, she knew that this was for the best; she was going to stay with Federico until she could stand on her own two feet.

Robin had been devastated when she had told him that she would move out, it was bad enough that they had ended their relationship and now he had to watch her leave; he had nearly begged her to stay until she had pointed out that it would be harder for them to live together now.

“Do you need any help?” Bob asked softly as he stepped into her room, he looked around at the boxes and bags that lay around the room; he swallowed knowing that this was his doing, he watched the brunette wondering how he could fix this.

“Not from you, you’ve done enough,” Paige spat as she looked at Bob, he flinched at her words knowing that he deserved it; he watched as she continued to sort through her things for a moment before he left her alone.

Bob swallowed as he stepped out of the room and spotted Robin, he stared at his son who seemed lost and he felt his heart break as he realised that his son was hugging Alisha; the little girl didn't understand what was going on and neither did her siblings.

“But why is Mama leaving, Papa?” Alisha asked as she tried to figure out why her mother was leaving, she knew that things hadn't been right between her and Robin but she had never expected this to happen.

Robin closed his eyes, he knew that Alisha and Noah would remain with him until Paige had sorted herself out; he wished that there was some way to bend the damage that her parents and his father had done. 

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