Chapter Eleven: Shocking News

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Robin couldn't fight back the smile as he exited training and prepared to head home, he couldn't believe that it had been two weeks since Paige and him had slept together.

The two of them hadn't been able to keep their hands off each other, Robin loved the feel of her bare skin against his; he knew that it was wrong but until she filed for divorce from Evan, he knew that this was the best he could do.

“So what are you doing this weekend Robin?” Wayne asked as he caught up with the Dutchman, everyone could see that he was a lot happier the last two weeks and they all knew that it was down to Paige.

Federico had been a little apprehensive about what was clearly happening between them, but it was clear that he wanted Robin and Paige to be happy.

“I’m spending it with Paige and Alisha,” Robin replied as a smile filled his face, he knew that things between him and Paige were still new but he was thrilled to have a chance to have her back again.

Wayne nodded his head as he looked at Robin, he liked that his friend was happier now and that he seemed to have a smile painted onto his face; he couldn't help but worry what would happen when the brunette’s husband came back into the picture.

“Robin, I’m happy for you… I just don’t want you to get hurt,” Wayne said making the Dutchman stop walking and look at his friend confused; a couple of their team-mates hurried past them as if knowing what Wayne was about to say.

The Scouser shifted nervously for a moment before he looked at Robin, who was watching him confused.

“I know it’s none of my business… but you know that Paige is still married, I don’t want to see you hurt Robin when her husband comes back into the picture,” Wayne said making the Dutchman stare at him; he knew that his friend was looking out, but it felt like he had been rubbed up the wrong way at his suggestion that Paige would leave him when Evan came back.

Wayne swallowed as he realised that he might have said the wrong thing, he opened his mouth to speak but Robin shake his head and glare at his friend.

“Paige wouldn’t do that… we’ve talked about this Wayne, things between her and Evan are finished,” Robin said making Wayne look at him, he could tell that the Dutchman wasn’t happy about his words and that this wasn’t going to end well for either of them.

Robin turned on his heel and walked away, he didn't have to look at the other members of his team to know that they shared Wayne’s idea; he couldn't bear the thought that he could lose Paige or Alisha.


Paige jumped as the front door slammed shut, she furrowed her brow as she got up from her couch and moved into the hall to see what was going on; Robin didn't even look at the brunette has he stormed towards the laundry room.

“Mama, what is wrong with Papa?” Alisha asked as she approached her mother, the brunette shrugged before she sent her daughter back into the living room; Paige sighed as she watched Alisha go as she headed towards the laundry room.

Stepping inside, she closed the door behind her as she looked at Robin concerned as he leant against the drier.

“Robin, is everything okay?” Paige asked as she watched him concerned, she could see that something had happened to upset him at training.

Robin looked at her for a moment, he knew that he had to talk about this with her, he didn't know what he would do if his friend was right about her going back to her husband.

“Wayne said something… he thinks that when Evan comes back from deployment that you’ll go back to him,” Robin said as he stepped towards her, she stared at him for a moment stunned by his words.

However before she could respond, her phone started to ring making Robin frown as the brunette moved to answer it; he shook his head annoyed.

“So you would choose him over me,” Robin spat bitterly as Paige moved to answer the phone, the brunette opened her mouth to protest; she sighed as he stormed passed her leaving her to answer the phone, she knew that whoever was calling wasn’t going to stop.

“Ciao?” Paige said as she answered the call, she knew that she would have to speak with Robin privately after she had gotten off the phone; her brow furrowed as she heard an unfamiliar voice.

“Yes, this is she,” Paige confirmed wondering who from the army would be calling her like this; she licked her lips as she listened to the man talking for a moment before she felt sick.

“He what?” the brunette said as she felt her legs go weak, she couldn't believe what she was hearing; Robin looked at her concerned from where he hovered by the door.

The Dutchman moved towards Paige’s side quickly when he realised that whatever was going on was upsetting her; he rested a concerned hand on her arm, but the brunette didn't even respond to him.

“How?” Paige asked still taken back by what she was being told, tears filled her eyes as she realised that she was going to have to tell Alisha and travel back to Verona.

Robin looked at her worried, he didn't know what was happening but he was suddenly glad that he was stood next to Paige when her legs gave way; he caught the brunette concerned before she hit the floor.

The brunette disconnected the call without a second thought, her mind numb as she realised that she would never see Evan again; Robin cuddled her close attempting to calm her, he watched concerned wondering what had been said.

“Paige, who was it?” Robin asked as he attempted to bring the brunette out of her mind, he could see that she was in shock; he hated that he didn't know what had happened so that he could help her.

“It’s Evan,” Paige said softly making Robin frown wondering what her husband had done to make her like this; Paige choked back a sob as she buried her head into Robin’s neck making him hold her closer.

“What’s going on Paige?” Robin asked as he held her close, he hated to think what Alisha would do if she came into the room and saw her mother like this. Paige sobbed into Robin’s arms; she couldn't bring herself to utter the words in case they were true, she couldn't believe that he was gone.

“He’s dead… they said something about a road side bomb,” Paige said making Robin feel numb, he held her close as he realised that she was now a widow; he felt sick at the thoughts that he had about the man that had looked after her and Alisha when he wasn’t there.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Paige,” Robin said softly as he held her close, he couldn't believe that Evan had died in such a way; he might have disliked him for being able to raise Alisha and having married Paige, but he didn't ever want the man to die like that.

“I love you Paige… I’m here for you,” Robin promised as he kissed her head, he knew that they would have to tell Alisha that Evan had died; he hated to think how he would tell his daughter that the man that had raised her had been killed.

Paige cried softly into the Dutchman’s arms, he held her close as he closed his eyes; he wasn’t going to let anything happen to Paige or Alisha and that was his promise to Evan.

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