Chapter Nineteen: Paige's Parents

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Resting a hand on her slowly swelling stomach, Paige swallowed as she heard the doorbell ring; she knew that it would be her parents and she had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well.

Paige had decided to wear a cream vest with pretty rouleaux hem and blue high waisted skinny jeans paired with black zip side ankle boots for the meeting with her estranged parents.

José Ras glared at her ex-husband, she hated to think about how stressful this was for the brunette especially while she was pregnant with her second child; she would never forgive him if something bad happened today.

“Jonathon, Elizabeth,” Robin greeted as he allowed the couple into his home, he knew that the children were upstairs playing and hoped that was where they would remain while Paige’s parents were in the house.

Jonathon nodded stiffly as he looked at the footballer, he couldn't believe that he had stupidly taken Paige back and he wasn’t pleased to hear that Robin had asked the brunette to marry him.

“Robin, it’s nice to see you again except for the circumstances,” Elizabeth greeted making the Dutchman glare at her, he had never liked his fiancée’s parents and after hearing what they had done to their own daughter, he disliked them even more.

Leading Elizabeth and Jonathon into the living room, Robin moved quickly to the brunette’s side as he noticed the look of panic on her face; he took her hand in comfort as her parents took a seat.

“Mother, Father,” Paige greeted softly as her parents glared at her; she licked her lips as she wondered what they would say about her pregnancy and engagement.

Elizabeth stared at her daughter wondering where she had went wrong when she had been raising her; she couldn't believe that her own daughter was nothing more than a common whore.

“We hear that you two are engaged, what were you thinking Robin?” Jonathon asked making Paige flinch as she felt her fiancé stiffen at the words that her father had used; they had never been supportive of her relationship with Robin when they had been dating and now it had only gotten worse.

“I love your daughter, Mr Colbrook and if I could go back in time and stop her leaving for university, I would in a heartbeat but since I can’t, I’m doing what I should have done now,” Robin said as he squeezed the brunette’s hand, he knew that this was hard on her and if he could make her parents leave then he would.

Jonathon stared at the footballer wondering what someone like Robin saw in Paige, she wasn’t anything special and she never would be; he didn't understand why his daughter always seemed to attract men that were better than her.

“That’s nice of you but what’s best for you Robin; you have two children to think about, you don’t need Paige or the bastard child in your life,” Elizabeth said as she tried to talk sense into the Dutchman before he made a big mistake.

Robin stared at Elizabeth for a moment before he shook his head.

“Get out,” he hissed making the two look at him; he wasn’t going to let them get away with calling Alisha a bastard child.

“I don’t care what you think, you do not come into my home and call my daughter a bastard,” Robin spat furiously, he couldn't believe that they had called their own grandchild that word; he knew that Paige wasn’t going to argue back, and in her condition he preferred that she didn't.

Jonathon and Elizabeth looked to José Ras for support only to see that the other woman had turned her back on them and seemed to be supporting their daughter; they knew that José Ras wouldn’t approve of them calling Alisha a bastard but that was what she was.

“Robin, we are just trying to protect you… there is no need for you to be raising another man’s child,” Elizabeth tried to reason while Paige glared at her mother, she knew that her parents didn't believe that Alisha was Robin’s daughter no matter what anyone told them.

Robin took a deep breath while Bob looked at his son begging him to listen to what was being said.

“Alisha is my daughter… as is the child that Paige is carrying, nothing you will say will make me turn my back on her,” Robin said making everyone look at him.


“I don’t think that’s the last we have seen of them,” Paige murmured after her parents had left with Bob, they had all refused to sit around and watch Robin make a big mistake.

The Dutchman wrapped his arms around Paige’s waist and rested his head against hers, he knew that what her parents had said had stuck a cord with Paige and it worried him what was running through her mind.

“Maybe they are right, we are moving fast and I definitely not good for you,” Paige said making her fiancé frown as he turned her to face him, he watched her wondering what he would do if he lost her because of this; he knew that he would never forgive his father if he cost him Paige.

“You are more than good enough for me,” Robin said as he cupped her face, his eyes searched hers as he wondered what he could do to convince her of his love; he didn't want to lose her now that he finally had her back in his life.

“I know you love me Robin, it’s just that I’m not good enough… what am I bring to this relationship?” Paige asked as she started to think about what she would have to do to walk away from him, she couldn't bring him down any more than she already had.

“Don’t even think like that, I will not lose you again Paige,” Robin said as he realised that she was thinking about leaving him, he couldn't believe that a visit from her parents had brought this much trouble to their happiness; he didn't know if he could forgive his father for this.

“I love you and if you walk away, then you are letting them win,” Robin said as he watched her, he didn't care what it took to make her see that she was all he needed in his life.

The brunette blinked back tears as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening, she knew that her parents were right; she didn't deserve someone like Robin and she never would.

“Tell me what I can do to show you that you are worth this,” the Dutchman begged as he tried to ease her worries, he would give up anything to have her in his life; he didn't care what it took to make her see that she was all that he had ever wanted.

“I won’t lose you or the children, I’d never forgive myself if I let you walk away for a second time,” Robin said as he kissed her softly, he knew that this was what her parents wanted and he knew that he couldn't allow them to pull apart the family that he was building with the brunette.

Paige closed her eyes as she allowed Robin to pull her close, she was twelve weeks pregnant and she knew that whatever her parents were doing that this wasn’t the last of it; they wouldn’t rest until she didn't have Robin anymore and it worried her how far they would go.

“I don’t care what happens Paige, I want you to be my wife,” Robin whispered as he tried to reassure her, the two were silent as they allowed themselves to think that for once everything was okay and no one was trying to tear them apart.

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