Chapter Twenty-Nine: Meddling Parents

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Robin looked down at his son, relieved that he was back in his mother’s arms as he sat with his fiancée in the living room; he paid little attention to his father and her parents that sat across the room glaring at the couple.

“Now let’s get back to business,” Bob said annoyed as he looked at his son, he didn't like how attached Robin seemed to be with the brunette; he hoped to put an end to it now once and for all.

The Dutchman frowned as he looked at his father, he wanted the three of them gone and now that Noah was safe and the couple had checked on the three older children; he didn't see any reason why he should listen to them now.

“We know about you paying off her debts Robin,” Elizabeth said smugly as her daughter paled slightly, the brunette knew that her parents would use this against her anyway that they could; it wouldn’t matter to them that the debts had been left to her by her deceased husband.

“That has nothing to do with you,” Robin hissed as he glared at Elizabeth, he didn't like where they were going with this; he knew that they weren’t going to give up until they had what they wanted but he wasn’t about to lose his fiancée.

“It has everything to do with us, Paige is using you,” Jonathon said making the footballer frown, he knew that they had to break the couple up and that there was nothing that Robin could say that would make them think that their daughter was good enough for him.

“They weren’t my debts, they were Evan’s,” Paige said knowing that she needed to get involved, she couldn't just stand by and allow Robin to fight her battles for her anymore.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes; she didn't know how her daughter had turned out like this, she had never raised a gold-digger and yet that was what she had ended up with.


“Robin, we just want to protect you,” Jonathon said as he tried to talk sense into the footballer, he didn't want to see Robin get hurt; after what had happened with Bouchra he deserved to be happy.

Paige had settled Noah down for bed so that they could continue this talk, she hadn't liked what her parents had said and she knew that they weren’t going to let this go.

“You shouldn’t be protecting me… you should be trying to do the best for your only child and daughter,” Robin snarled as he glared at the two people across from him, he didn't care what his father said right now; his main focus were on the couple that had turned their backs on their own daughter.

Paige blinked as she looked at her parents, she knew that Robin was right but she knew that her parents wouldn’t agree; they had turned their backs on her years ago and she doubted that they would ever change their minds.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves… no parent should ever turn their backs on their own child,” Robin said as he pulled Paige close to him, he closed his eyes contently for a moment knowing that he had her and that was all that mattered to him.

Elizabeth and Jonathon stared at the footballer, they were a little speechless at what he had said to them; they hated to admit it but he was right but they weren’t about to change their minds.

“I want you out of my house and I don’t want the three of you to ever come back,” Robin said as Paige looked at her parents, she knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

Bob stared at his son, he didn't understand why Robin wasn’t going to let this go, he didn't understand what he could say that would make him understand; his son deserved to be happy.

“I’ll sign a prenup,” Paige said softly as she looked at Bob, she knew that this had to end and this was the only way that she could think about that wouldn’t cause any more trouble; Bob stared at her for a moment before he nodded his head and moved to set some paperwork on the table.

Robin stared at his fiancée, this was the last thing that he wanted her to do and he had a feeling that his father had some rules that would cause the problems when they were married.

“Apart from the usual content about you not getting anything if you divorce, I have also added a couple of things marriage related,” Bob said pleased that he was getting his own way, he ignored the heart broken look on Robin’s face as he pushed the prenup to Paige; the brunette nibbled on her lip as she carefully picked it up.

“You want us to sleep in separate rooms?” Paige said as she looked through the prenup, if she signed this then she wouldn’t be Robin’s responsibility; while he could spend money on their children and provide for them, but he could never provide for her.

“Yes, we can’t have you falling pregnant again,” Elizabeth said making Paige roll her eyes, she should have known that her parents had been involved in the writing of the prenup.

Robin took the prenup from her and flickered through it, he swallowed as he read some of the things that had been included; his heart ached as he realised that Paige was considering signing it.

“Don’t do this Paige, we’ll find another way,” the footballer pleaded with her, he didn't want this and he hated that she was actually considering it; the brunette ran a hand through her hair as she looked at him; she knew that they really didn't have a choose.

“I have to… it’s the only way that they’ll leave us alone,” Paige said as she looked sadly at Robin, she could see that this was killing him and that it would only do more damage but they didn't have any choice.

Elizabeth and Jonathon smiled thrilled at this development, they knew that this was for the greater good as they watched their daughter sign the prenup; they looked confused as they saw the heartbroken on Robin’s face.

“Well at least that is now solved, so when is the wedding?” Bob asked as Paige sat numbly as he collected the prenup, he smiled at the couple as he put the prenup somewhere safe; he didn't notice that dark look that filled his son’s eyes while Elizabeth and Jonathon relaxed now that they had fixed the problem.

“It doesn’t matter because you won’t be there,” Robin spat as he glared at his father, Bob blinked taken back by the hatred in his son’s voice; he hadn't expected him to turn on him like that and he hoped that Robin would come around.

The Dutchman watched as Paige walked out of the room, she ignored the warm smiles from her parents knowing that there was no going back now.

“I want the three of you out of my house,” Robin said wishing that he’d had a way to stop all of this, he felt sick knowing that the prenup changed everything for them now; he hated that Paige had done that for him, he hated that he would never be able to support her the way that any husband could do.

Bob stared for a moment; he knew that his son needed time to adjust to what had just happened and that sooner or later he would thank them.

“Of course,” Bob said as he pushed himself to his feet, he licked his lips nervously as a feeling started to settle in his stomach; he knew that something had changed and he hoped that Robin would come to see that the brunette had done the right thing.

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