Chapter Twenty-Four: Adjusting to Motherhood

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Paige rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she turned off her alarm clock, she looked at the empty space next to her and sighed before she climbed out of bed and padded out of her room.

It had been a week since Bouchra had tried to steal away Shaqueel and Dina and Paige had found herself slowly adjusting to being a stay at home mother to three children; Shaqueel had just entered the local primary school’s year one while Alisha was in year two and Dina was in nursery.

Paige yawned as she rested a hand on her swollen stomach, she was seventeen weeks pregnant and the brunette knew that next week they would find out what the sex of the baby was.

“Shaqueel, it’s time to get up,” the brunette said as she peaked into the little boy’s room, she smiled softly as she leant against the door as she turned on the main light, she knew that the children were all adjusting to the sudden changes in their lives.

“What time is it?” Shaqueel asked tiredly as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Paige smiled at him as he reminded her of his father; she couldn't believe that this was where her and Robin had ended up after several years apart.

“It’s seven,” the brunette replied before she moved off to wake the other two, she knew that this was a massive adjustment for everyone especially her; she had never thought that she would find herself in this sort of situation.

After she had woken the children up, Paige headed into the bedroom so that she could change out of her PJs and into some clothes so that she could do the morning school room; Robin was away preparing to play against Real Madrid in a Champions League away game.


Paige ignored some of the looks that the other mother’s shot her as she dropped the children off; the brunette knew that they whispered about her and that it had only gotten worse since Shaqueel and Dina had arrived.

“I’ll pick you both up at three,” Paige said as she waved Alisha and Shaqueel off before she moved to drop Dina off at the nursery, the brunette ignored a couple of paps that had followed her to the school knowing that they would be more interested in the coming match than anything else.

Paige shouldered her black cross body bag as she smiled softly at the teaching assistant as she dropped Dina off for the morning.

“I will see you at twelve thirty,” the brunette told the little girl before she headed off back to the Porche Cayenne that Robin insisted that she drive when she was doing the school run; he hated to think of her driving her own car and he had insisted that he would feel better if she was driving one of his cars so that she would be safe.

“Paige,” called a voice making Paige sigh in annoyance as she turned to see one of the other mothers hurrying towards her; the brunette knew that some of the other mothers were only interested in her because she was a WAG.

“I was wondering what you were doing this weekend?” the woman asked making the brunette cross her arms as she looked at the woman; she had a feeling that she knew where this was going and she didn't like it already.

The woman admired Paige’s outfit of a navy and white spot print shirt and grey skinny jeans paired with tanned fringed low wedge boots and a stone zip detail mac.

“Well us mum’s were wondering if you’d like to join us at a little get together,” the woman said as she stepped closer to Paige, who stepped back away from her before someone interrupted them. Paige blinked as she stared at Rebecca Ferdinand as she smiled at the brunette.

“There you are Paige are you ready for that brunch,” Rebecca said as she rescued the brunette from the mother, knowing that the brunette wasn’t completely used to having people want to know her because she was engaged to a famous footballer.

The mother pursed her lips as she looked between the two women before she stalked away leaving the two alone, Paige sighed in relief before she looked at Rebecca who was smiling at her.

“Thanks for that,” the brunette said as she brushed some hair away from her face, she tilted her head as she wondered why the other woman had helped her; she hadn't really met any of the other women and she was curious about why Rebecca had helped her.

“We all have to stick together… besides, I doubt that she would have taken no for answer,” Rebecca said as she smiled at the brunette, she could see why Robin was so taken with the younger woman and it was perfectly clear to see that Paige was the right woman for him.


“So when will we get to meet Paige? You’ve been with her for a while now and yet she hadn't made any appearances at any of the matches,” Nemanja asked as he looked at Robin, he knew that the Dutchman was trying to keep his relationship private but he had a feeling that there was more to it than that.

Robin sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

“I don’t want to stress her out,” he said making a couple of his team-mates roll their eyes knowing that this was the excuse that he had been using since the two had gotten engaged.

Robin nibbled on his lip as he glanced around, he knew that they weren’t going to accept that excuse and that they were curious about the woman that he had welcomed back into his life after seven years.

“Paige isn’t used to being the centre of attention… I don’t want her to be thrust into the limelight especially while she’s pregnant,” Robin said as he thought of his unborn child, he didn't know how he would cope if something happened to either her or the baby.

He couldn't wait to be a father for the fourth time and he was going to make sure that none of his children ever needed anything again.

A couple of his team-mates nodded their heads understandingly, they all knew how stressful the limelight could be and they understood why he was trying to hide his fiancée away.

“Why don’t you bring her to the home match against Madrid? Then she could met some of the WAGs,” Rio suggested as he looked at the Dutchman, he knew that Robin was trying to protect his fiancée but he knew that making friends with a couple of the other WAGs would help her.

Robin sighed as he ran a hand through his hair and nodded his head, he knew that Paige had been feeling a little lonely recently especially since he was away a lot now with the season starting to speed up.

“It’s okay to worry Rob,” Wayne said as he looked at his friend, they all could see that the Dutchman only wanted the best for his family and that if something were to happen then he would never forgive himself.

“So when do you find out the sex?” Rio said changing the subject to something a little lighter, he smiled at Robin who lit up as he started to talk about the baby; everyone could see that this baby was special to him, there was no denying that he was excited to be a father for the fourth time. 

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