Chapter Twenty-Two: Night-time Craving

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Paige ran a hand through her hair as she glanced over at a seeing Robin, the brunette was sixteen weeks pregnant and she was starting to get a little restless; quietly she climbed out of bed and made sure that she didn't wake Robin before she headed out of their bedroom.

The brunette sighed as she rested a hand on the swell of her stomach, she knew that in a couple of weeks they would learn what they were having but she had a feeling that she already knew.

Heading for the kitchen, Paige rummage through the cupboards before she found what she was looking for; the brunette bit her lip as she made herself a bowl of cereal before she noticed that Shaqueel was watching her from the kitchen door.

The two of them stood staring at one another before Paige swallowed nervously.

“What are you doing up?” the brunette asked softly as she wondered what the little boy was doing up at this hour of the night.

Shaqueel stared at her for a moment before he padded carefully over to Paige, he knew that he had been less than welcoming to her since she had gotten together with his father but the last week had shown him that he had been wrong.

“Are you okay?” Shaqueel asked as he stopped in front of Paige and looked up at her concerned, he didn't want anything to happen to his future brother or sister and he knew that he was going to have to start acting better if he wanted to be able to stay with his father.

“I’m okay… just a little restless, would you like some cereal?” Paige asked as she looked at the little boy, she didn't know what had brought about his change but she hoped that it was a good thing.


Robin furrowed his brow tiredly as he reached out for Paige only to be greeted by the cold empty space where his fiancée should have been; the Dutchman rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he realised that she wasn’t there.

Sitting up Robin looked around as he tried to figure out where she was, he fought back a yawn as he climbed out of bed and stretched; he made sure that he was decent enough so that the children didn't get an indecent look of their father.

Heading downstairs, Robin furrowed his brow as he padded into the living room to find Paige and Shaqueel eating cereal while watching early morning children’s television.

The footballer stared for a moment before he made his presence known, he couldn't help the feeling that built in his chest as he watched Paige with his son; he knew that she was a wonderful mother and he couldn't wait for their second child to be born.

“Robin what are you doing up?” Paige asked as she looked at her fiancé, she watched him curiously as she finished off her cereal; she didn't know what had woken him up but she hoped that he didn't disturb him when she had woken up.

The Dutchman made his way over to Paige and Shaqueel, he sat down next to her and smiled before he kissed her lips; he rested a hand on the bump of her stomach concerned making her smile at him in comfort.

“I’m fine,” Paige said as she reassured him, she knew that he wouldn’t let this go if he thought that there was something wrong; the brunette kissed him softly as she tried to ease his mind.

“Why didn't you wake me?” Robin asked concerned, he hated not knowing if she was okay and the nights where he had to be locked away in a hotel away from her were murder for him.

Paige sighed as she glanced at Shaqueel who was pretending to not be listening to their conversation, the brunette cleared her throat as she watched him for a moment.

“I didn't want to disturb you… I’ve been feeling restless lately and I didn't want you stressing yourself more,” Paige said as she remembered what Robin had been through lately, Bouchra was still determined to take Shaqueel and Dina out of the country and the Dutchman had been forced to pull out all of the stops to make sure that she couldn't.

Robin frowned as he rested a hand on the bump that had made itself known, he knew that Paige was worried about him but he didn't want to make her feel that she couldn't turn to him if she needed him.

“Besides it was a craving run and I didn't want to disturb you because I wanted a bowl of cereal,” Paige said as she kissed his lips, Robin cupped her head knowing that he was going to have to show Paige how much he wanted to be there for her.


Robin raised an eyebrow at his fiancée as she watched him amused for a moment; he tilted his head as he wondered what she was smiling about, the brunette kissed him softly making him tilt his head confused.

“I love you,” Paige said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair as she knelt on the bed, Robin tilted his head confused for a moment before he kissed her lips; he couldn't have found been happier that he had her in his life.

“I love you too,” Robin said as he pulled back from Paige as he rested his hands on her hips, she smiled as he rubbed his thumbs against the expanding skin of her stomach; he couldn't believe that his baby was growing inside of her.

Paige grinned as she kissed him again as she rested her hands on his shoulders, her hands travelled gradually down Robin’s chest, spreading out to his ribs and back in again to his stomach; he shivered at the soft movements wondering what she was up to.

Paige didn't watch her hands instead she stared at his face, watching his expression change as she traced circles absentmindedly around his abdomen; Robin closed his eyes subconsciously as his breathing become raspier.

The brunette was a little surprised at what she was doing but she couldn't see to help it, so she continued further.

Paige very slowly, lowered her hands further as she continued to watch his face, never taking her gaze away from his face before Robin’s breathing caught and his brown eyes flew open.

The Dutchman grabbed her hands holding them slightly away from him, but close enough so her nails could tickle the skin at his stomach just above his boxers.

“What?” Robin asked wondering what his fiancée was up to, she smiled at him innocently as he watched her; he had a feeling that it had been the pregnancy hormones that had made her act that way.

“I was thinking about why I love you,” Paige said smiling at him, the footballer tilted his head curiously before the brunette kissed him; she couldn't keep herself from smiling as she pulled back. Robin ran a hand through her hair.

“Are you going to tell me why?” he asked making the brunette laugh softly as she pulled back from him and sat on the bed. Robin watched her curiously as she grinned at him amused.

“I love you because you are you… and even after seven years you still wear those dorky boxers,” Paige said making Robin chuckle as he climbed onto the bed and kissed her; he knew that she loved his boxers and it was the only reason that he had continued to buy them even after they had broken up the first time.

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