Chapter Twenty-Three: Attempted Abduction

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Bouchra liked her lips as she collected Shaqueel and Dina from Robin’s home, she hoped that her plan worked and that she would be able to get away with what she was about to do.

“Okay time to say goodbye to your dad,” Bouchra said as she licked her lips, she knew that if she went through with this then she was going to be in a lot of trouble and wouldn’t be able to return; she hoped that Robin wouldn’t be to mad when he figured out what she was going to do.

“Do we have to go mama?” Shaqueel asked as he looked at his mother, he wanted to stay with his father so that he could help out as the prepared for the baby; he didn't want to miss anything about his future brother or sister.

“Yes,” Bouchra said stiffly as she looked at her children, she hated to see how close they had gotten with Robin and his family and she hoped that when she took her children to America that they would have the same feelings there.

“You’ll be back before you know it,” Paige said as she rested a hand on her stomach, she ignored the glare that Bouchra sent her as she looked at Robin; the brunette knew that he was finding this difficult since they had Shaqueel and Dina for two weeks now.

Robin moved to stand next to his fiancée, he watched his two children curiously unable to shake the feeling that started to nag at him; it felt like he wasn’t going to see them again.

“We better be going,” Bouchra said making Paige look at her confused, she tilted her head wondering what the hurry was for the other woman; she knew that they had to travel back to London but there was clearly something going on.


Shaqueel tilted his head as he looked at his mother, they had never been this way home before and he suddenly felt that his mother was about to do something unforgiveable since she was acting weird.

“Mama, where are we going?” Shaqueel asked as he tilted his head confused as Bouchra led them into the airport, he looked around confused wondering why they were there; Dina looked at her mother as Bouchra tried to hurry them along as if concerned that they would be stopped.

“I told you, we’re going to live in New York,” Bouchra said as she smiled down at her son as they approached the ticket desk, she swallowed nervously hoping that her ex-husband hadn't found a way to stop her from taking the children out of the country. Approaching the desk Bouchra smiled as she tried to look as natural as possible.

“Hello I have three tickets booked for a flight to New York,” Bouchra said as she produced the passports and handed them to the woman at the desk who smiled at her.

The women started to check the family in before she paused for a moment, she stared at the warning that flashed up on her screen then nodded her head as she looked at Bouchra.

“Excuse me for a moment Mrs Verbeek,” the woman said as she forced a smile to her face before she sipped away to make a phone call leaving Bouchra with the children.

The Moroccan-Dutch shifted nervously as she looked at her children, she knew that something was going on and she didn't know what it was; she sighed hoping that they wouldn’t miss their flight.

“Mrs Verbeek can you come with us please,” said a voice making Bouchra furrow her brow as she turned to look at the three security guards that where stood behind her; she nodded her head confused as one of them moved to help her with her luggage.


Paige swallowed as Robin parked outside Manchester Airport, his black Porche Cayenne stood out as they prepared to head inside; Robin had been quiet since they had received a call that Bouchra had tried to take Shaqueel and Dina out of the country.

“It’s okay,” the brunette murmured as she watched Robin knowing that he was furious and worried about what his ex-wife had tried to do; he couldn't believe that she had attempted to steal his children away like that and if he hadn't of set up a system to prevent it she would have gotten away from it.

“I know… I just can’t believe that she tried to take my children from me,” Robin said making Paige nod her head, she knew that he loved Shaqueel and Dina and that he would do anything for them as well as Alisha.

The couple climbed out of the car and hurried into the airport where they were led to the holding room where Robin was reunited with his children.

Shaqueel and Dina hugged their father making him sigh in relief before he shot a glare at Bouchra who was seated a little away from them; he felt sick just looking at her.

“It’s up to you what we do next Mr van Persie,” the security officer said making Robin take a deep breath as he looked at his fiancée, he knew that he could make things worse about what had happened but Bouchra was still his children’s mother.

“She can leave… I don’t care what she does as long as my children stay here,” Robin said making Bouchra look up at him, she stared at him with tears in her eyes as she realised that he wasn’t going to press charges against her for child abduction.

Paige shifted nervously as she watched her fiancé with his ex-wife, she knew that this was hard for Robin and she knew that she would support him whatever he decided.

“I can never forgive you for what you tried to do today, but I want you to be happy so go and live your life in New York with your husband,” Robin said softly making Bouchra stare at him, she blinked as she realised what he was doing; she was going to have to leave her children behind if she wanted to live her life in America.

Robin took a deep breath before he moved to collect the children, he couldn't bear to see her anymore; he wanted to go home and be with his family.

“Robin I’m sorry,” Bouchra called after him as the Dutchman led his children from the room followed by Paige, she offered the Moroccan-Dutch a sad smile before she followed after her fiancé; she could see that he was hurting right now.

“Are you okay?” Paige asked softly as she allowed him to take her hand, she knew that he was hurting and she hoped that Robin wouldn’t shut her out after what had happened.

Robin nodded his head as Shaqueel and Dina talked happily about staying with their father and Paige for a while; he laced his fingers with the brunette’s as he looked at her.

“Promise me that you’ll never leave,” Robin said making Paige stare at him, his brown eyes were filled with so many emotions that it made her wonder if this was the first time that he had been thinking about this.

Paige nodded her head as she pressed a kiss to Robin’s lips knowing that he was struggling with what his ex-wife had just attempted to do.

“I’m not going anywhere Robin, not this time,” the brunette promised him as she allowed him to wrap his arms around her; she kissed him softly as he held her close.

Robin nodded his head as he pulled back slightly; he knew that he wouldn’t be able to cope if he lost her again, he wasn’t sure what he was ever going to do if something caused her to leave him.

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