16. Farewell to Storyville

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I was standing next to Klaus who was holding the white oak stake in his hand. In front of us was Elijah with Papa Tunde's blade and behind him Rebekah.

'' Rebekah!'' Klaus shouted.

''Walk away!'' Elijah said to Klaus.

'' Don't move!'' Klaus yelled again.

'' Leave us now.'' Elijah said to Rebekah who was crying and shaking out of fear.

'' I can't. I'm stuck here. Elijah, he has the white oak stake.'' Rebekah said to him.

''I brought it for you sister.'' Klaus said as he pointed the stake to her.

'' Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now.'' Elijah said to her as she vamp sped away.

''Amy, get her please.'' Klaus said and as I vamp sped forward Elijah stopped me.

''No, Amy.'' he said and I tried to get out of his hands but I couldn't.

''Leave me alone Elijah.'' I said through greeting teeth.

'' I'm asking you, as your family...we end this nonsense now.'' Elijah said to me and Klaus.

'' You would side with that traitor.'' Klaus said and took some steps towards us but then Elijah turned me so my back was pressed against his chest. He placed his hand around my neck but with no strength. Klaus stopped walking and looked at him with a very angry look.

'' I am not choosing sides, but I will not allow you to hurt our sister.'' Elijah said as I tried to break free.

'' We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her? Are you going to threaten me that you'll hurt Amy? Both you and I know that you would never do that.'' Klaus said to him.

''I'm going to protect our sister, Niklaus. And since Amy wants to hurt her I'll do anything to protect Rebekah. Whatever it takes.'' Elijah said. Then he brought his face close to my ear.

''What did he do to you? Why are you suddenly so okay with killing Rebekah?'' Elijah asked me whispering.

''The only thing he did was being there for me. You only hurt me, Elijah. He's not going to kill her.'' I said to him. Klaus then vamp sped away and Elijah let me go and chased after him.

Hours had passed and the sun had started to rise. I was standing next to Klaus while Elijah was in front of us.

'' You've been at this for hours. To what end? Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded. You cannot get past me.'' Elijah said.

'' I could get past you. Although, it might have to be over your dead body. You did stab me with that blade, forcing me to endure hours of unspeakable pain. And stabbed Amy too, without bothering to get the dagger out of her heart. Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you.'' Klaus said full of rage as he pointed the stake towards him.

''Nik, maybe we should just go back.'' I said and placed my hand on his arm that held the stake. He looked at me.

''I'm not leaving Amy. Not untill I get my revenge.'' Klaus said.

'' You should see yourself, the murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like father.'' Elijah said and I took my hand off Klaus' arm.

''Elijah...'' I warned him.

'' I'm not him. Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty. None of you were, not Kol, not Finn, None of you! Only Amy knows what it feels like! I think you've forgotten what he was truly like.'' Klaus said angrily and upset.

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