17.Moon over bourbon street

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A month has passed since Rebekah left. Life has changed. Elijah is now in command of the Quarter, Klaus is back on painting again and not really caring of who's in charge, Hayley is living with the wolves and I... well I'm quite the same I think. Klaus and I haven't really talked about that kiss, though I spend most of the nights in his room talking. I know it sounds wierd but it's quite pleasant. I never thought Klaus could be a person to have a conversation with. Elijah and I talked a little but not much.

I was laying lazily on the couch of Klaus' room. He was standing in front of his painting looking at it confused.

''You know it's good.'' I said to him smiling. He shook his head.

''Something seems off about it, love, but I do not know why...'' he said not taking his eyes off the painting. Suddenly the door opened and Elijah walked inside.

''Well I know something is off with you hanging out with that witch Genevieve. We can't be friends we her and you know it Niklaus. You do recall that she tortured our sister.'' Elijah said annoyed.

'' She also revealed the truth about our sister's treachery.'' Klaus said.

'' And as a consequence, Rebekah is gone forever.'' Elijah said getting angrier.

'' A desire which she apparently harbored for quite some time!'' Klaus said back and I rolled my eyes. When are they going to stop? I've heard this conversation over 50 times!

'' Niklaus, it has been a month. Now, I feel our sister's loss as deeply as you. But, you must stop distracting yourself with this ridiculous behavior and channel it into some kind of action.'' Elijah said pointing at the painting. Klaus took a paintbrush and continue painting only half listening to him.

'' Why must I, exactly?'' Klaus asked.

'' Because over the course of Marcel's tenure, the city grew accustomed to having a king. You wanted this throne. Now, you must accept the responsibility that accompanies that.'' Elijah said to him. I stood up and walked to Elijah.

''Elijah... it's morning.Please soften a bit. I remember you complaining about Nik wanting fanatically the throne and now he doesn't want it you blame him?'' I said to him and he rolled his eyes before walking to Klaus and grabbing the paintbrush from his hand. Klaus looked at him annoyed.

'' If you can so easily neglect your home, I wonder what will become of your daughter. Have you forgotten what it was like to live beneath the threat of violence? We must work together, Niklaus. Let's make this city whole again.'' Elijah said to him. Oh God. 

'' Perhaps it is too broken to mend.'' Klaus said grabbing his paintbrush out of Elijah's hand.

'' If you won't do anything, I will.'' Elijah said and left the room. Klaus starred the painting for a while and then threw the paintbrush against the wall. 

''Nik...'' I started but he cut me off.

''I'm fine just...'' he said and paused.

''I'll talk to him.'' I said and left the room.

''Elijah!'' I shouted. Elijah stopped and turned to face me.

''What?'' he asked.

''Why are you acting like this?'' I asked him finally catching up with him.

''Niklaus was so obsessed to be the king of the Quarter and now that Marcel is gone he just ignores it and locks himself all day in his room without doing anything. Leaving me do all the things that must be done. I never signed up for this.'' he said.

''I understand you Elijah but Nik is changed. And I think is for the best.'' I said to him. He starred at me for a second as if thinking what to do. Then he started walking away again.

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