21. The battle of New Orleans

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I opened my eyes and immediately covered them because the sun inside the room was way too much for me. I then realized I wasn't alone in the bed. I turned around slowly and saw Klaus smiling at me. I smiled too.

''Good morning beautiful.'' he said quietly.

''Morning.'' I said and then he he wrapped his hands around me pulling me closer so that my head laid on his bare chest.

''So remember that offer I had given you some time ago?'' he asked me.

''What offer?'' I asked.

''I offered you a place next to me. Remember? I told you that you could come with me and be my queen.'' he said and then I remembered. It was when he kissed me. I turned and looked at him. ''Well, there is no kingdom but...'' he said and chuckled. ''I still want you to be my queen.'' he said and starred inside my eyes.

''Nik...'' I started smiling and probably blushing.

''Will you be my queen?'' he asked before I could say anything else.

''Yes, kind sir. I'll be your queen.'' I teased him. He smiled and pulled me even closer.

''Thank you.'' he said and I smiled. I know I know this is all too romantic even for my style but Klaus indeed makes me feel better. He makes me myself because he knows what I've been trough.

''Genevieve text me.'' he said waking me up from my thoughts.

''And?'' I asked.

''She'll meet with us at my study.'' he said.

''What for?'' I asked.

''Mother's spell book.'' he said and got up before he started dressing. I got up too and dressed up before following him outside of the room to the study. When we arrived Genevieve was already inside.

''Klaus, Amy hello.'' Genevieve greeted smiling fake. God how much I hate this woman. Klaus ignored her greet and sat on his desk offering her some pages of Esther's book. Genevieve examined them and then turned to us.

'' Your mother's spell is as complicated as it is elegant. She was clearly a very gifted witch.'' she said looking at the pages. Klaus suddenly snatched the pages back and pointed at one part.

'' Is this the bit, here?'' he asked. Genevieve snatched it back.

''Hey! Like I said, it's complicated. She bound protection magic to black hyanite stones. A werewolf with the stones is free from turning on a full moon.'' she said.

'' And what of the improvements?'' Klaus asked.

'' This spell will enhance speed, strength, and agility.'' she replied.

'' There should be something in there about fangs, it's what our mother used on us when she turned us into vampires.'' Klaus said.

'' Not just fangs--you said you want venom, so the bite is still lethal to vampires.'' Genevieve said and then laid the pages carefully on the table. '' Here. It should make a nice gift. I'm sure Hayley will be thrilled.'' she said slightly jealous.

'' Not just Hayley. You'll be making quite a few of these. Lets call it an even hundred.'' Klaus said and Genevieve frowned.

''That's not the deal I made with Elijah.'' she said.

'' Well, you're dealing with me now.'' Klaus said and got up from his sit walking closer to her. '' And I am offering considerably more.'' he finished. I looked at him. A little jealous might I add. 

''You think because you didn't let Elijah or Amy to kill me I'm suddenly at your beck and call?'' she asked annoyed. Klaus looked at her annoyed too.

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