18. The big uneasy

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I opened my eyes slowly and moved a little to my side.

''Don't move...'' Klaus' voice said. Then I realized I was in his room. I looked around. He was in front of the bed painting and I was inside the warm blankets of his bed.

''What are you doing?'' I asked.

''Painting.'' he said.

''What happened? Why am I here?'' I asked.

''You fell asleep last night here. Don't worry I took the couch.'' he said.

''You're up early. How so?'' I asked.

''Well, morning sun offers the best light. Hold still. I'm almost finished.'' he said not taking his eyes from the painting. When he finished and smiled I then realized I was still in my last night dress. Oh great. I got out of bed slowly and tried to take a look at the painting but Klaus hided it.

'' Well, are you gonna show me, Nik?'' I asked.

''The painting is a gift.'' Klaus said.

''Oh I see.'' I said and walked to the door.

''Where are you going?'' he asked.

''To change out of this dress.'' I announced and left his room. 

I walked inside my bedroom and slipped out of my dress. I took a quick shower and as I was dressing I heard a very annoying noise coming from outside. I walked closer to the window and saw some men working at the compound. I then saw Elijah walking to them and explaining something. Then I heard a door close loudly. That must be Klaus.

I walked outside the room and outside the building where Klaus was.

'' Enough with all the racket!'' Klaus shouted annoyed at Elijah. The men stopped.

'' Is there a problem, brother?'' Elijah asked Klaus before turning to the workers. ''Gentlemen, please carry on.'' he said.

'' I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus.'' Klaus said. 

''It's too early Elijah. Why are you even doing this?'' I asked him.

''Of course you'll agree with him.'' he said and I rolled my eyes.

''Elijah...'' I said but he cut me off.

'' Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not.'' Elijah said looking at both me and Klaus.

'' I agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover.'' another voice said from behind Elijah. We all turned to look only to see Genevieve.

''What the hell do you want here?'' I asked annoyed.

'' Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something.'' Klaus said smirking. What's his problem?

'' Actually I do have a request. I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change. '' Genevieve said to Elijah.

'' Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?'' Elijah asked her.

'' The Fête des Bénêdictions. Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest girls to society.'' Genevieve said and smiled.

'' So your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment. And you would like a party for the witches.'' Elijah said and smiled too.

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