22. From a cradle to a grave

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Elijah left me stand on feet while he quickly opened the double doors of the church.  When I looked inside tears left my eyes. Klaus was sitting on the ground with Hayley's  lifeless head on his lap.

''HAYLEY!!'' Elijah screamed as he vamp sped in front of her, kneeling beside Klaus and taking Hayley's body from Klaus. I watched the scene but then I became weaker and fell on my knees causing Klaus to look up at me.

''Amy..'' he breathed as he vamp sped in front of me and hugging me.

''I'm so sorry, Nik. I really am.'' I said crying while he hugged me close to his body both of us on our knees.

''I'm the one who's sorry, Amy. We have to heal you.'' he said crying too.

''No.'' I said and broke apart from him to look at him. ''We have to save that baby.'' I said.

''No no no no no...'' Elijah whispered crying over Hayley's body. I tried to stood up but failed. Klaus helped me up as we walked next to Elijah.

''She's gone. I'm sorry Elijah.'' I said and placed my hand on his shoulder.

''You've been bitten, here.'' Klaus said and bit into his wrist and offered it to Elijah who looked up at him. He drunk some of Klaus' blood and immediately healed. After a few moments he picked up Hayley and placed her back on the sacristy table. Klaus helped me walk as he sat me down on a small step. Elijah's face changed as his eyes filled with rage.

''How?'' he asked Klaus through greeting teeth.

''I was bested.'' Klaus replied.

''You were bested, huh?'' Elijah said and walked towards Klaus attacking-like. ''You were BESTED?'' Elijah screamed and walked even closer to him only for me to get between them.

''Please, this is not helping in anything. Elijah...'' I said and then Elijah walked away from me and Klaus. I lost my balance again feeling a very painful headache. Klaus immediately caught me.

''Oh Amy... you'll going to be ok, I promise.'' Klaus whispered at me as he kissed my forehead. Then he got up and helped me up too.

'' They took the baby. But, there's still time. We can save her. '' Klaus said to Elijah who nodded sadly.

We vamp sped at the cemetery looking around. I was getting worse and worse by any minute. I was getting weaker and weaker. Klaus always helped me around as we searched.

'' The tombs are empty, the grounds are deserted, she's not here!'' Elijah shouted.

'' This is the only place they can be! We'll keep searching.'' Klaus said.

'' They are not here, Niklaus! We're wasting time!'' Elijah shouted again desperately.

'' The Harvest was here! The Reaping was here! They're about to perform a ritual which will feed their ancestors for centuries! Ancestors who are buried here!'' Klaus replied at him angrily and tried to took a step forward but I stopped him by loosing my balance. He caught me and starred into my eyes to make sure I was okay.

''Leave me. I'm delaying you.'' I said my voice cracking and barley above a whisper. Klaus immediately shook his head.

''I'm not leaving you.'' he stated as he helped me stand properly. I looked around and frowned.

'' This statue, we've passed by this three times, all whilst going in the same direction.'' I said as they both looked at me.

Elijah vamp sped around the cemetery and returned to us.

'' They've fabricated some kind of illusion. '' Elijah said. Then Klaus slowly left my side to vamp speed on a high tomb to get a clearer look.

''That's one word for it.'' Klaus exclaimed.

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