34. Wedding

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Wayo POV.

OMG!!!! Tomorrow is the day! The day I am going to marry P'Pha! Just thinking about that, makes me nervous, but at the same time, I feel excited and giddy. Who won't right? You are going to marry the love of your life.

"Can't sleep Prince Wayo?" P'Forth asks me. You must be wondering why it is P'Forth and P'Beam in my chamber right now instead of P'Pha, like usual.
Since tonight is the night before the wedding, The King, a.k.a. my dad, asked P'Pha to stay separately from me tonight. So P'Pha is staying at the cabin by the lake right now, accompany by P'Kit and Ming.

"He must be nervous as hell right now, P'Forth." P'Beam teases me with a smirk.

"Of course I am. Who wouldn't? What if I wake up late tomorrow? Or what if P'Pha doesn't show up?" I start to rant about all the possibility as I pacing back and forth inside my chamber.

"Prince Wayo, to prevent you from wake up late tomorrow, you need to sleep now. Furthermore more you must want to be in your best conditions for your wedding, so you need your beauty sleep." P'Forth reason out.

"Yes, Prince Wayo. About Ai'Pha, you don't have to worry, my prince. He will definitely show up tomorrow. Need I to remind you how whipped he is for you?" P'Beam put his hands on my shoulder and push me gently towards the bed.

"Now sleep, Prince Wayo. We don't dare to mess this wedding up. Phana is going to kill us if things when wrong." You can see the horror in P'Forth eyes. Now I know why P'Pha trained with P'Beam and P'Kit in front of us. It is so that they will fear him and listen to him well. Luckily I am his mate, and like P'Beam said just now, he is whipped by me. So he is the one who listen to me.

"Okay, okay. I will sleep now." I climb on my bed and try to catch up my sleep. Urgh! I keep tossing left and right, for half an hour by now, but I still can sleep.

"You are still anxious, my prince. That's why you can't sleep." P'Forth looks at me with concern.

Suddenly I feel a pair of muscular arms hug me from behind. "P'Pha! What are you doing here?" I turn to look at him over my shoulder. He must come here with his shadow travel ability.

He kiss my cheek and say, "Beam message me that you can't sleep. So I think I should accompany you for a while until you fall asleep. After that I will go back to the cabin." He kiss my cheek again.

"P'Pha." He hums. "Everything will be just fine right, for tomorrow?"

He pulls me closer. "Yes baby. Everything will be just fine. I will be waiting at the altar, you will walk down the aisle, we say our vows, we kiss, and then we are officially belongs to each others. Now, don't worry too much and just sleep. We don't want the 'bride' to be late." Hearing he calls me bride earning him a light slap on his chest.

Then he pulls me closer, if that is possible, and starts to hum some random song to lull me to sleep. I feel so mush calm and at ease now with P'Pha here. Less than a minute, I am out like a light.

Phana POV.

He is fast asleep now. But I am still hugging him close to me and keep humming some random song. Actually, I am the one who need his company. I feel so anxious. And what ever I did, I can't fall asleep. When Beam message me telling me that Wayo can't sleep, I use that as excuse to come and meet him. So I shadow travel here immediately.

"Ai'Pha, you can go now."

"Give me a few more minutes, Beam."

"You know what happen right if the King knows you are here?" Beam cross his arms.

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