39. Second Marriage

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Phana POV.

Three days later

Me and Wayo are walking into the dinning hall for lunch right now. We just come back to the palace last night. I actually want to sleep in since I am totally drain from Wayo's tortures, but dad a.k.a. the king wants to see us. So here I am, dragging my feets, walking beside a cheerful Wayo.

As we take our seats at the table, dad looks at us weirdly.

"What is wrong with you, alphas? You guys look like your souls have been suck out of you." The king says with a brow raise.

I hear groan from Forth and Ming. Now only I really look at them. The king is definitely right. Those two look like a mess, not like I am in any better shape. You can see we got eye bags under our eyes, our eyes are red, and there is a gloomy shadow cast upon us. While the two omegas and the beta, they look cheerful and literally glowing.

"Please don't make me remember what  happened to me the last three days." P'Forth groans.

"Yeah. The last three days was a living nightmare for me." Ming adds lifelessly.

In my peripheral vision, I see Wayo, Beam, and Kit are whispering and giggling with each others.

"Wow!!! We three are awesome!!!" Wayo shouts suddenly.

"But you are the best Wayo. To be able to reduse Ai'Pha to that state, is something incredible. Never in my life I ever see Ai'Pha looks that lifeless." Beam says before he starts to laugh with Kit.

It takes a few seconds before something click in my head. Shit! Wayo just told them what he did to me those last three days! I look at him in horror, but he just give me an innocent smile.

"Don't worry ai'Pha. Ming and P'Forth share similar nightmare as you. Maybe they were worse than you. But at least they were able to cum....until they were dry." Kit starts to laugh as he finish what he said. P'Forth and Ming look at each other in shock.

Then suddenly the king bust out laughing. There are even tears roll down his cheeks. That is how hard he is laughing right now. Wiping his tears, he says, "so basicly, you three alphas just got owned by your wifes." He continues laughing hard as he keeps banging the table.

I can feel my face is burning red right now. This is so embarrassing! Luckily I'm not alone in this.

"Uurrgghh...What ever. Actually me and Beam got something to tell everyone." That makes everyone stop laughing and focus on P'Forth and Beam.

"Is it ok for me to tell them now, Beam?" Beam only answer P'Forth with a nod. His face is turning red. Wait! He is blushing!

"What happen Beam? Don't say you are pregnant. You can't pregnant since you are a beta." I look at Beam intently. Then I shift to P'Forth. "What did you do to him?" My voice is so cold right now, and I can see P'Forth is shaking.

"It is nothing Ai'Pha. Just listen to P'Forth first will you?" Beam pouts.

"Actually.....we are planning to get marry." As P'Forth said that, the whole dinning area is engulf in silence.

"OMG!!!! Congratulations P'Forth, P'Beam!!!" Wayo squeals excitedly pulling everyone out of their stupor.

I sigh. Luckily it is nothing. I turn to look at Beam and flash him a smile. "Congratulations Beam. Glad finally you found someone that can make you happy." I stand up and hug him.

"Thanks Pha." He hugs me back. When we break the hug, he wipes his tears. Look like P'Forth is definitely the one who can make him happy.

"Actually, Ming and I also got an announcement to make." Kit voices out. He looks at Ming signalling him he should do the announcement.

"Yeah.....Actually P'Kit and I also plan to get marry." Ming says nervously.

"YEAY!!!!! Double the happiness!" Again Wayo scream happily.

"You too Kit?" He nods. "Time move so fast. My children are grown up already." I wipe my imagenary tears.

"Stop acting Ai'Pha." Kit punch my shoulder.

"Hahaha. Ok, ok. Congratulations to you too Kit." I hug Kit. Then Beam join in.

"We are the one who should thank you Pha. This past 10 years, you really take good care of us." Kit says as he hug me.

"Yeah. What you did for us, we will never be able to repay you Pha. Thanks Pha. For everything." Beam add and we hug tighter, expressing the love between us.

"Actually, I am the one who should thank you two. Other than Wayo, you two are the one who always keep me sane. If you two are not around, I bet I already kill myself due to loneliness."

Then suddenly I feel someone pull me hard, making me break the hug.

"Enough hugging my husband P'Beam, P'Kit." Wayo scowl at them as he hug me tight. Aaww~~ my baby is jealous~~~

When I look at Beam and Kit, I see they are also have been pulled by their partners.

"Hahahaha..... it is good to witness some fresh love in the palace. So when do you plan to do the wedding?" The king asks, looking at P'Forth and Ming.

"NEXT WEEKEND!" Beam and Kit answer him simultaneously.

"But it is to soon, Beam." P'Forth looks at Beam with shock expression.

Beam turns to look at him sharply. "What did you said, P'Forth?"

Looking Beam's scowl, P'Forth shake his head vigorously. "Nothing! Next weekend is good."

"Do you got problem with it Ming?" It is Kit turns to look at Ming, trying to see if Ming dare enough to challenge his decision.

"No! No! Of course not. I can't wait for next weekend!" Both Ming and P'Forth just paste a nervous smile on their face and fake their excitement.

Oh yeah! This two definitely just got owned by their wife last weekend. Luckily I am not that bad.

"So we will just do one ceremony?" I try to guess their thought.

"Yeah. Nothing beat two best friends getting marry to their lovers together." Beam says happily.

"And you Pha, will be the one who walk with us down the aisle." Kit practically glowing as he told me that.

"Of course it will be me. And it will be my honour to send my best friends to their journey of a happy life."

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