The Acceptence Letter

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Ember glanced around the table. Her brothers Ron and the twins Fred and George were in serious trouble. They had taken their fathers Light blue Ford Angela and flown to Surrey, England to pick up Ron's best friend, the Legendary Harry Potter. Molly Weasley was furious saying something about putting bars on Ron's window. Ember giggled to herself. She thought it was hilarious. Harry was sitting across from her, looking around and eating some of his breakfast. Molly didn't know when the boy had eaten last and wanted to make sure he had food. Molly looked at the children sitting at the table. That was when she noticed that one of her kids were missing.
"Ember, will you run upstairs and get your sister. She should have been down ages ago."
Ember nodded, pushing her chair out. She quickly ran up the stairs to their shared room.  It was on the top floor of the house. Ember walked up to the door and opened it. Ginny was pacing back and forth.
"Gin what's wrong?"
"Harry is here and I have to impress him." Ember looked at her sister and smiled softly.
Ginny had a crush on Harry Potter. He was their older brother Ron's best friend and she thought he was cute. Ember didn't see it, though.
"Gin, you don't have to impress him. He's going to like you. Plus mum says we're too young to be thinking about boys. I mean, we are only eleven." Ginny looked at her sister and nodded.
"Your right Em. I still don't know what to say."
"Just introduce yourself and let the boys do the rest...Come on mum wants us downstairs for breakfast." Ember grabbed Ginny's hand and the girls ran down the hall and down the stairs to see their owl flying into the window. Percy got up from his seat and grabbed the seven letters out of its beak.
"We all got our Hogwarts letters. Dumbledore sent Harry's too."
Percy walked over and handed the letters out. He hand his sisters theirs, wide smiles appearing on their faces.
Ember tore open the envelope and grabbed the two pieces of parchment inside. The first one read,
''Dear Miss Ember Weasley. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Included with this letter in a list of all supplies needed for your first year classes.''
"Ahhhhjejfkkfjkd. We're going to Hogwarts Gin," Ember said, jumping up and down. Ginny was jumping too.
"Alright girls. Finish eating and we will leave for Diagon Alley."
The girls both nodded before joining their family at the table.

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