First Day Blues...Or Greens Since Ember's A Slytherin

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Ember woke up to Stitch scratching at the door. Her little pup wanted to explore the castle. Ember got up and quickly changed into her Slytherin robe and let him out. Ember then went over to his bowls and filled them with food and water. After that, she grabbed some parchment, a quill and the five books she would be needing for the day. Ember looked at her schedule. She had some second year classes. Dumbledore had given her a test during the summer and measured that she could take some second year classes along with her first year classes. She had Defence Against the Dark Arts back to back. First year DADA first then second year DADA second. Then first year Herbology and second year Potions followed that. Lastly was first year Charms. She made her way to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. As she got there, she saw Ron and Harry sitting at the table. They never came to dinner. She began to make her way over to them when she heard his voice.
"Hey Weasley." Ember looked over and saw Malfoy waving her over. Ember rolled her eyes and walked over to him.
"What do you want Malfoy?"
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us?" Ember looked over and saw three Weasleys, a Potter, a Granger and a Johnston staring at her. 
"Yeah let me just see what they want first."
Ember walked over to the group.
"What can I do for you all today?"
"You really shouldn't be hanging out with him. He's bad news," Harry said.
"Well he's treated me better in the last twenty-four hours then my own family has. That list excludes Ron, Maya, and Gin. Ron because he haven't said anything negative about it. Maya because she actually congratulated me and Gin because she's my twin and I can't be mad at her."
"Well I agree with Harry," said Ron.
"Yeah I mean You Know Who was a Slytherin and so were most of his Death Eaters,"said Ginny.
"Keyword there most. At least fifty of them were Gryffindors," she let her voice rise for the next part," your house isnt as high and mighty as you all think it is." With that Ember walked back towards her housemates.

Draco and Ember were on a first name basis. After her fight with her family, he asked Ember to call him Draco, saying only his enemies called him Malfoy. Ember told him to call me Em since she prefered it to Ember. Since she had many second year classes, Draco was in them. That meant she at least had a friend in those classes.
She was with Draco and his friends as they headed to lunch. Everyone in the school was talking about the Cornish Pixy fiasco. Our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher was Gildroy Lockhart. Ember wanted to mentally cringe. He had decided to release Cornish Pixies without having taught anyone how to fight them. Draco and Ember ran out pretty quickly. She knew she could have used Imbobulus but she figured Granger, Potter and Ron could use them as practice. Yes Ember becoming an angry Slytherin. Sue her. She understood why Slytherins acted bad. Everyone expects them too. If they aren't mean then they arent Slytherins. They just follow the Sterotype. It makes life easier. Draco also introduced Ember to his two best friends Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. They were fun. They always had jokes to tell. Ember was starting to change. For good or bad, she didn't know. She was also being ignored. Her so called siblings thought since she chose Draco over them, they would just ignore her. It was so bad. She asked a simple question and they just didn't answer. She asked them three times. Was she bitter? Yes. Did it hurt? Of course. She didnt need them, though. She had a new family.

About three weeks into school, Filch's cat Mrs. Norris, was found petrified. On the wall behind her written in blood was
'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heirs beware.'
That got everyone out of classes for about a day. Two weeks after that was a Muggle born from Ravenclaw. Then two weeks after that a Muggle born Gryffindor named Collin. After that was Granger. Ember was kind of happy Granger was petrified. She never really liked her. Hermione was, in Embers opinion, riding on the coattails of Harry. So was Ron. Anyways,  Draco, Vincent, Gregory and Ember got closer everyday. The four of them became inseparable. You never saw any of them alone. Especially Ember. Mainly because she  had three overprotective older boys as friends. They wouldn't let her go anywhere alone. Literally. If she went to the lavatory, one of them, usually Draco would wait right by the door for her. It was weird but absolutely adorable. That was probably the day Ember realized she had a crush on him. Soon after that they found out that there was a basilisk in the chamber. The chamber was opened by none other then Embers twin. The basilisk was killed by Harry. He said Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort's younger self, was trapped in his old journal. He used the poision of the basilisk to destroy the journal. After that his Fame grew. He was already The Boy who lived. Now he's the boy who defeated Voldemort twice in his first two years.

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