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When they got back to the dungeons, Ember had a choice to make. Voldemort was her father. A part of her wanted to get to know him. She knew what that meant though. Shed have to fight people. Possibly kill them. Then there was what Dumbledore wanted for the girl so long ago. The reason he gave her to the Weasleys. He wanted her to be good. To do what was right.
What is right, though? Everyone believes they are right. It's about what is right to you. Although. Being evil would be fun she thought.
"What are you thinking about, my love?"
"What I want to do, Draco. My father wants me to join his side of things, but Dumbledore wants me to be good."
"Well maybe this will help," Draco said pushing up his sleeve. On his arm was the Dark Mark. He was a Death Eater.
"The day you came back. My father sent for me. The Dark Lord asked me to join or they would kill you. I joined."
"I'm sorry Draco."
"It's alright Em. I was planning on joining anyways."
"Well I wish the choice was that easy. I know Dumbledore and Charlie wouldn't want me to, but the Dark Lord is my father."
"All I can say is I'm okay with either choice. I will love you even if you choose good," Draco said, pulling her into a hug.
"Thanks Draco. I think I know what I'm going to do."

Ember grabbed Draco's hand as they Floo'd over to Malfoy Manor. Dumbledore had given them permission to go when Ember told him she needed to talk to her guardians. He was reluctant at first seeing that Voldemort had come back, but he agreed. Draco stepped out of the fireplace first. Ember followed him to his father's office. He stopped her just before the door. He turned to look at her and said, "Whatever they make you do to me, I want you to know that I forgive you and love you."
Before she could ask him what he meant, he turned around and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?"
"Draco and Ember."
There was a commotion on the other side of the door. Then the door was flung open. There stood Lucius and her father.
"Ember dear. Have you made a decision?"
"Yes father. I have. I want to join you."

After Ember told her father what she  wanted, he called the inner circle of Death Eaters. They all gathered in the ballroom of Malfoy Manor. Ember was worried about what Draco had said. What are they going to make me do to him? When everybody was settled, Voldemort said,
"Ember Litrael Riddle, will you step forward." Ember stepped forward into the center of the circle the Death Eaters had created. She was wearing a black dress that was tight at the top and was covered in tiny jewels. The bottom of the dress hugged her body. She wore a black robe over it. The hood of the cloack covered her hair.
"Today you are to join the ranks of the Death Eaters. You will be evil and do as the Dark Lord says," said Lucius.
"Now everyone must prove they are willing to be a Death Eater. I have heard from many that you fancy young Malfoy is that correct?"
"Yes father."
"Good. Well to prove you are one of us you must use to Cruciatus curse on your lovely Draco."
That's when Draco's words made sense. 'Whatever they make you do to me, I want you to know that I forgive you and love you.'
He knew they were going to make her torture him. It was something she was going to have to do. She hated it. Ember took a deep breath and pulled out her wand. Then Draco stepped into the circle. Their eyes met. Draco smiled at her and mouthed its okay.

Three hours later, Draco and Ember were back in the Slytherin Common Room. Draco had passed out after Ember and Professor Snape gave him a healing draught. They had made Ember torture him for two hours. After that Narcissa couldn't take anymore. She asked Voldemort to stop and was almost killed. He did let Ember stop after Lucius said that they would be needing to get back to Hogwarts. He sent Draco on ahead with Snape and gave Ember the Dark Mark. Ember sat there beside Draco admiring it. At that moment, she knew she had made the right choice.

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