Talk With The ''Twin''

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(A/N from this point on the story line will different from the books and movies.)

School ended and summer came. Ember and Draco spent the summer doing what their fathers told them to do. Ember tracked down traitors, torturing and killing them. She felt a darkness growing in her and part of her enjoyed it. Before shool started up again Draco was given a secret mission to kill Dumbledore. Ember only knew because Draco told her. He wasn't supposed to but he did. Voldemort had told Ember that Sirius Black and some other people who wanted to protect Harry created a secret organization called the Order of the Phoenix. Charlie had invited Ember to come visit him in Romania.

Ember was sitting on her bed, in my room at Riddle Manor, reading a dark magic book Lucius had given her when she heard a bit of pecking at her window. She looked up from the book and saw a familiar gray owl. She stood up and opened the window and the owl looked at her.
"Hi Rose." Rose was Charlie's owl. She reached out her hand. Rose dropped the letter into her outstretched hand. She then flew out the window back to Romania. Ember sat back down on the bed and opened the envelope.

Dear my favorite sister Emmy,
I was wondering if you would like to come and visit me in Romania. I know you've always wanted to raise dragons. I figured you could bring Draco if you wanted to. I think I should get to know my future brother-in-law. I better be going. You can visit whenever you can. I expect an owl soon.
Your big brother,
Charlie Weasley

Ember smiled and put the letter into her secret box. That was the best part of her summer.

About a week later Ember was at Malfoy Manor. Her father, Lucius and Professor Snape, who had asked Ember to call him Severus, were making plans about who knows what. Draco and Ember were in Draco's room. They were laying on his bed, holding hands, and talking about school when Narcissa burst in.
"Ember, dear, you have a visitor." Draco and Ember looked at each other.
Who would be visiting me?
They released their hands, much to Embers dismay. She walked out of the room, following Narcissa down the stairs. Narcissa lead the teens down to the sitting room. When she walked in there Ember gasped. Sitting in the chairs were two people she thought she would never see again. Mrs. Weasley and her daughter Ginny.
"Narcissa," Ember whispered to her," you should tell father that he should leave."
"Already done. The moment they knocked on the door Severus apperated him out." Ember nodded. Then she turned towards their guest and asked,
"Hello Mrs. Weasley, what can I do for you today?"
"Ember, dear, no need for that. I'm still your mum."
Narcissa, Draco and Ember looked at each other and laughed. When they finally stopped laughing Ember said,
"Narcissa has been more of a mother to me in the last few years then you have been. Now what can I do for you?"
"Ginny wanted to talk to you...alone." Ember thought about it for a moment. Maybe if she made them trust her again she could get information.
"Fine. Draco will you wait in the kitchen for me?" He nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed his mother's arm and led her to the kitchen.
"I'll be outside Ginny." Ginny nodded and Mrs. Weasley walked out of the sitting room and out the front door. Ember took the seat across from Ginny. The room was silence for three minutes before Ginny got the courage to speak.
"Ember. We miss you. The whole family does. We miss all the pranks you and the boys used to play. We miss the sound of you singing in the mornings and you being the first one up. We miss all the times you would jump in the creek to get the frogs even though you couldn't swim."
Ember smiled slightly at the memory.

When Ginny and Ember were ten, the year before they started Hogwarts, Fred and George had wanted  to play a prank on their mum and dad. They needed the girls help because their father had put a spell on the lake so the boys couldn't get into the lake. He had known they would use it one day. Ginny didn't want to get her clothes wet and while they were arguing Ember rolled her eyes and jumped in. She couldn't swim really well so she kinda just moved doggy paddled until she got to were the frogs liked to hide. She grabbed the biggest one and swam back to shore.

"Ember we all miss you so much. Especially me. You're my twin." Ember held back a smirk. So they hadnt told her.
"Actually no I'm not."
"W-what do you mean? We are twins."
"No. I was adopted. My mother died giving birth to me and my father was Voldemort." Ember saw Ginny flinch when she said the name.
"When Dumbledore saw I had red hair he gave me to the Weasleys because we were born on the same day."
"No it isn't true. That's a funny story, " Ginny said, letting out a fake laugh.
"Is this payment for everything?"
"It's true. Ask your mum and dad. They've lied to us all these years. Now if you don't mind I would like to get back to my life." Ember stood up and so did Ginny. Ember didn't trust the Weasleys and she didn't want Ginny snooping around, so Ember led her outside to were her mother was waiting. As she turned around to go back in, Mrs. Weasley grabbed her arm. Ember pulledjer arm away and turned around.
"Ember if you ever need at place to stay, you're always welcomed." Ember knew that was a lie. Her siblings hated her. 
Ember just nodded. She just wanted to go back inside and be with Draco. Ember didn't say anything and walked back inside.

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