Yule Ball

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Life at Hogwarts had been hectic. Classes weren't taught that much after the first event. Four wizards were chosen instead of three. Viktor Krum, Fleur Delecur, and Cedric Diggory were chosen. Then all of a sudden the Goblet went crazy and chose, of course, Harry James Potter. Who else would it have chosen. The only good thing that Ember had been told was the Yule Ball. Draco asked her to go with him. Draco was in a black dress robe. He had a gray and green tie on. Ember was wearing a emerald green dress. The top of the dress was a corset like top. It had sleeves down to her wrist made of green mesh. The bottom came out in a long skirt that stopped just above her ankles. Ember had black heels on. Narcissa had worn this dress when they had the Yule ball during her high school years. She told Ember that she had always wanted a daughter to pass it down to. Ember had smiled at that. Her red hair was up in a bun. They were in the Great Hall, which was decorated in a ice like snowy fashion. It was quite lovely. The parade of champions came through. Hermione was with Krum and Harry was with one of the Patil twins. After they danced everyone else started to join.
"Would you like to dance?" Draco said, offering Ember his hand.
"Why yes Draco. I would love to." Ember took Dracos hand and they began to dance. When the song was over there was a rock group singing a rock song. They danced and jumped around. Everyone was laughing and dancing. Draco grabbed Embers hand and pulled her to one of the tables. Maya and Vincent were sitting at the same table. Maya had her blonde hair up like mine. She was wearing a white dress. She looked like an angel basically.
"Crabbe come with me and get drinks for our ladies." Vincent got up and followed Draco to the drink table. Once the boys were gone, Maya grabbed Embers hand.
"Em. I think I'm in love." Ember looked over at her best friend.
"I know how that feels." They talked for a few more minutes when the boys came back. They handed the girls their drinks and they spent the remainder of the evening talking. Ember heard yelling in the hallway and decided to go see what it was.
"I'll be right back Draco." He nodded and Ember walked into the hallway.
"Ron, you spoiled everything!" Hermione was yelling at Ron and Harry as they climbed the stairs. She then sat down and started crying. Ember wanted to go back to her friends. She however knew girl code. Even if girls arent friends... you make sure they are okay. Ember walked over to her.
"Hermione, are you okay?" She looked up at Ember
"Why do you care?" Ember looked at Hermione with a look of anger and shock.
"Because I know how Ron can be. I did live in the same house with him for 11 years." Ember sat down beside her. That's when she told Ember." He doesn't know how much I like him." Hermione had a crush on Ron. To each their own, Ember thought.
"Well maybe you should tell him how you feel?" She looked at Ember, stood up and walked off. Okay then. Ember stood up and walked back to Draco. He sensed the change in her attitude. He grabbed her hand and said to Vincent and Maya," it was fun, but we're going to turn in for the night." They both nodded and said goodbye. He then pulled Ember towards the dungeons, when she stopped him. "Draco. I- I need to talk to Dumbledore. I'll catch up to you later?"
"Are you okay Em?" 
"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to ask him something." He nodded and kissed her lips. Draco said goodnight and walked to the dungeons.

"Miss Litrael. Are you alright?" Ember looked up and saw Professor Dumbledore looking down at her. She must not have been paying much attention to where she was walking.
"Yes and no Professor. I just need someone to talk to."
"About what Miss Litrael?"
"Ember or Em please. And I guess the issue with my family. None of my Slytherin friends would care and my siblings won't talk to me."
"Oh, I see. Well why do you think that is?"
"I'm Slytherin and they're Gryffindors. They act like I chose to be."
"Well Ember you have made them think you are as you call it a stereotypical Slytherin. You did put your own brother in the hospital during your first year. You also did punch miss Granger a few time during your second year."
"I had reasons for those. I hit Percy because they didn't want me and Granger because she punched my boyfriend."
"But have you talked to them about it. They might forgive you if you talked with them." Ember sat and thought about what he said. "Maybe. They won't talk to me though."
"I could get all of them here. And your parents. Then you all could talk." She looked up at her headmaster.
"I would like that very much, Professor. Thank you."
"You're welcome, my dear. Now off to Slytherin Common room with you. I think Mr. Malfoy is very worried." Ember nodded and began walking to the dungeons. She was going to fix this.

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