Goblet of Fire and Triwizard Tournament

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When Ember, Maya and the Slytherin Trio got off the train, all of the students ran to the side of the bridge. There was a pegasus drawn carriage and a ship arriving. They didn't know who they were, but theyfound out at dinner.

After the sorting of the new first years, Dumbledore gave a speech.
"Well, now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guest as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen..." There was an interuption caused by Filch. He was talking with Dumbledore. Some of the students were laughing. Ember didn't know why. It wasn't funny. Then Filch ran down the isle quickly and Dumbledore continued,
"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament." The crowd of student gasped in excitement.
"For those of you who do not know the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of Magical contest. For each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone, and trust me when I say these contest are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxine."
The doors flew open and in walked a bunch of girls in blue outfits. They would stop every now and then and curtsy to the boys. The boys LOVED it. Some of the boys who had girlfriends got hit by their girlfriends. Ember swatted Draco on the back of the head. The girls then did a little show that earned applause from some of the boys. Then Dumbledore kissed Madame Maxine's hand and introduced the next school.
"And now our friends from the north please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."
In walked a bunch of HOT boys. They all had these canes and were banging them on the ground in a rhythmatic pattern. All the girls were staring in awe. Though when Ember glanced up at the Professors table, Professor McGonagall looked slightly terrified. Then the Durmstrang boys ran towards the front. Everyone stood up to get a better look. That's when Viktor Krum and High Master Karkaroff came into the Great Hall. That's when all the girls lost it. They were whispering to each other. Ember saw Krum look around. When he caught her eyes he winked, much to the dislike of her very jealous boyfriend. Draco grabbed Embers hand and pulled her down to her seat. He then kissed her on the lips.
"You're mine Ember Litrael. No one else's." Ember knew Draco was jealous, so to calm him down she said,
"Only yours. Forever." She pecked him on the lips and turned back to the spectacle, leaning against Draco. One of the Durmstrang boys was blowing fire out of his mouth. It made two snakes that circled each other. Ember made a mental note to track that kid down and asked him how he learned that. She though that that's a good skill for a Slytherin.
"Albus," High Master Karkaroff said in a very thick Bulgarian accent.
"Igor," was Dumbledores reply. They hugged each other.

Dumbledore continued his speech, "Your attention please. I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, the student must survive three task. Three extremely dangerous task. For this reason the Ministry had seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation Mr. Bartemius Crouch." Very soon after saying the that the ceiling started thundering. Then lightening bolts came. Students started screaming. Then a wizard that was standing close to the staff table held up his wand and a red-white wire like spiral shot into the storm. The storm died and all eyes were on the newcomer. Alastor Moody, an auror from the Ministry stepped forward. He catches dark wizards.
"My dear old friend. Thanks for coming," Dumbledore said, shaking Alastors hand.
Then Crouch started speaking.
"After due consideration the ministry has concluded that, for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final."
There was an uproar. Kids were telling. One of the Weasley twins yelled," rubbish."
"Silence!" Dumbledores voice carried over the noice every voice in the room stopped. Dumbledore then walked up to the pyramid like structure that had been added to the room. He bought his wand up and the Pyramid disappeared revealing a giant goblet. A blue flame came out of the Goblet.
"The Goblet of Fire," Dumbledore said, "Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it on the flame this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has began."

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