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Ember awoke to a migraine that hurt worse then the betrayal. The moment she opened her eyes, all of the memories of Voldemort returned. She felt tears running down her face before she could stop them. That's when she felt warm arms wrap around her and her favorite voice say,
"Shh baby. It's okay. I'm right here." Ember looked to her left and saw Draco's handsome face.
"My father told me what happened. Are you okay?"
Ember simply nodded. She couldn't find the will to speak. Ember made room on the bed. Draco knew what she wanted and needed. He climbed into the bed and pulled his girlfriend into his chest, wrapping his arms around her. One of his hands was rubbing circles on her back while the other was playing with her hair.
"You know I'm not supposed to allow this." The couple looked up and saw Professor Dumbledore standing at the foot of the bed. Ember pulled herself closer to Draco. Sensing her distress Dracos grip tightened before he said,
"I'm sorry Professor but the memory of what happened was to much for her and she needs me to comfort her."
"It's alright Draco. Ember, I know you want to stay with Draco but your whole family is in my office. Even Percy Bill and Charlie." Ember looked at Dumbledore in disbelief. She pulled away from Draco.
"C-c-can D-draco come too?"
"If you want him to and he is willing to." Ember looked at Draco.
"W-will you g-g-go with me?" She stuttered out. She was scared that her family would hurt her. They had already lied to her. Draco smiled at Ember, placing a hand on her cheek.
"Of course I will. I will be there for you. I don't give a damn what they say." Ember smiled at Draco.  The couple crawled out of the bed.  Draco grabbed Embers hand. Professor Dumbledore led the two Slytherins  to his office. When he opened the door, Ember was pulled into hugged by her parents. She ended up separated from Draco but she knew he was waiting for her somewhere in Dumbledore's office.
"Oh Ember. I thought we lost you. You have been out for three days. We didn't know if you were going to live," Molly said when she pulled away from the hug. She had tears in her eyes. Charlie was the next to hug the girl, pulling her from their parents grasp.
"Emmy. Don't ever scare me like that. We're supposed to raise dragons together. I can't have my favorite sister dying early on me." Ember smiled at that. Charlie knew just how to make his littlest sister smile. They used to always talk about raising dragons together. With that she knew he still loved her. The rest of her siblings hugged her after that but it felt forced. Ember sat down on the chair beside Draco and grabbed his hand. He was very uncomfortable with the whole situation. He hated the Weasleys for their treatment of his Ember.
"What happened after Harry left Ember? Harry told us the story of Voldemort coming back and Cedric dying and you telling him to go." Ember looked at Dumbledore as the memory replayed itself in her mind.
"He told me something and I want to know if it is true."
"What did he tell you Em?," Molly asked. Ember bit her lip. She really didn't want her siblings here. Not for the conversation she was about to have to endure. Well, maybe Charlie could stay but the others... Dumbledore, sensing the child's discomfort and knowing what this conversation was about spoke.
"Kids why don't you all go down to the Great Hall and get Ember something to eat. She probably is very hungry. Except you Charlie. I think Ember would want you to stay." Embers siblings ran out of the room, most of them happy to get away. Once they were gone Dumbledore asked her again,
"What did he tell you?"
"He told me that he... that he was my father. Is it true?" By the way the room silent she knew the answer. Molly and Arthur looked at each other.
"We never wanted you to find out this way. We wanted to tell you the day you came home first year, but when you became a Slytherin instead of Gryffindor and your siblings reaction...we didn't get a chance to,"Arthur said. Ember scoffed and shook her head. She knew they'd make excuses. Draco expressed his thoughts verbally.
"How about a letter saying 'hey your Voldemort's daughter. Just thought you should know'."
"Mr. Malfoy this is a matter between the Weasleys and Ember. Why don't you go wait outside," Dumbledore said, trying to cool off the situation.
"No. I want him here."
"Well I don't," said Molly.
"Fine. No him no me." Ember got up from her spot and grabbed Dracos hand, pulling him to his feet. They walked to the door.
"Wait Emmy..," Charlie said. Ember turned around to see Charlie running up to her. He gently grabbed her arm, pulling her to him.
"No matter the situation or the problem if you need me I'll be there. You are still my little sister no matter who your father is. I love you okay?" Tears welled up in her eyes. Ember nodded and pulled him into a hug. He was truly her brother. Charlie pulled away and then turned and looked at Draco.
"I know who you are and I absolutely don't care. Thank you for being there for her when nobody was. I know she loves you and by the way you look at her you love her too. But if you ever hurt her I have 153 dragons that would love to eat you."
Draco smiled.
"I would never dream of hurting her." They shook hands. Charlie turned around and walked back to the Weasleys. Ember was about to turn to leave when she stopped. She turned back towards the adults.
"Where did you find me? I know I wasnt near Hogwarts."
"Hagrid found you in the Forbidden Forest. You were passed out and covered in blood," Dumbledore said. Ember nodded and then turned around to leave. Before she left she said,
"Professor Dumbledore, I'm sorry, but they don't want me anymore. Mr. And Mrs. Weasley have a good life without me." That's when Draco and Ember, hand in hand, walked out the door.

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