Platform 9 3/4

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Three weeks later, the Burrows were full of excitement. It was September 1st. The day the siblings went to Hogwarts. Ember was sitting on her bed making sure she had packed everything. Stitch was in his cage. He was looking up at her with his big puppy eyes. He wanted to run around for a few minutes. They were about to leave though. Ember looked at the puppy and smiled petting him through the cage.
"I'm sorry Stitch, but we're about to go. I might let you out on the train if I find us a good seat. Okay?"
He just kept staring at her but he eventually laid down on his bed and fell asleep. Ember shook her head before resuming what she was doing. Once she was sure she had everything, she grabbed her trunk and Stitch's cage and went downstairs. Arthur  used magic to expand the boot of his car to make all the trunks fit. They had to take the Ford Angela to London because King Cross Station was a muggle train stations. The siblings all piled into the backseat of the car. With magic they all had enough room, so they weren't squished. Ginny and Ember were talking to each other in the language they had made up as kids. They wanted a way to talk to each other without anybody knowing what they  were saying.

'Are you scared Em?'

'No. Why would I be?'

'What if we're not sorted into Gryffindor?'

'Gin. I don't care what house you get put into. You're still going to be my twin. If you get put into Slytherin, which you won't, I'll still hang out with you whenever I can. Okay?'

'Okay. Thanks Em.'

'You're welcome. I am 100% sure you will be in Gryffindor. Our whole family is. No need to worry.'

Ginny nodded and hugged her sister. Ember hugged her back while the boys just stared at them like they were crazy. They pulled into the carpark of King Cross Station fifteen minutes later. It was almost 11 o'clock so the siblings had to run. Percy ran into the barrier first. He was followed by Fred and George. Molly took Ginny and Arthur ran in with Ember. Ron and Harry were behind them. No one knew that Harry and Ron would end up missing the train. Arthur grabbed Embers trolley and they ran through the barrier. When Ember got to the other side, she noticed how beautiful the train was. She was admiring its beauty when she was pulled back to reality. Arthur kissed her on the head and ran to say goodbye to the others. Molly quickly walked over to Ember and hugged her saying,"Have a great first year. Don't me nervous and send me letters okay. I love you." They pulled away from eachother. Molly looked down at her daughter, gently stroking her face. Ember smiled up at her mother. She grabbed onto her trunk and Stitch's cage, pulling them both from the trolley. Ember quickly steped onto the train moments before it began pulling out of the station. Ember waved goodbye to mother and father. They waved back and blew her a kiss each. When the train was completely out of the station, Ember readjusted her hold on her stuff and began searching for a compartment.

After about ten minutes of searching, Ember found a compartment at the very back of the train. It had one person seated inside. There was a blonde haired girl sitting in the seat. Ember knocked on the door. The girl inside jumped slightly and got up to open the door.
"Do you mind if I share this compartment with you? All the others are full."
The girl smiled at Ember and nodded. She  moved back to her seat, so Ember could come in. Ember closed the door and put her trunk in the overhead storage shelf. She then took the seat across from the girl. Ember decided to keep her promise from earlier and opened Stitch's cage door. He ran out. He scurried around the compartment for a few momenr before he climbed into Embers lap, licking her face at the same time. He then circled her lap and laid down.
"Cute pup. What's its name?",the girl asked.
"His name is Stitch." The girl smiled. She pointed to the white barn owl in a cage beside her.
"This is Felix. I'm Maya Johnston. First year and a muggle born," Maya said, extending her hand. Ember shook it.
"I'm Ember Weasley but my friends call me Em. I'm also a first year but my family has always been witches and wizards," Ember said.
"Really. I don't know anything about witches or wizards. Heck I didn't even believe magic existed. I thought it was something you saw in Disney movies."
Ember was confused about the last part. She had heard about movies from her father but se was still confused on the subject. 
"Well if you ever want to learn about magic Hogwarts is definitely the place to be."
"Great. Well if you don't mind I am going to take a little nap."
Ember nodded and Maya curled up and fell asleep.

Sometime later there was a knock on the door. Ember looked over to see Hermoine Granger standing at the door. She was a friend of Ron's. Ember gently pulled Stitch into her arms and got up to open the door.
"Hey Em. Have you seen Ron or Harry? I can't seem to find them." Ember looked at the brunette.
"Last time I saw them was at King Cross."
Hermione nodded and then walked to the next compartment.
Hermione noticed someone in there and popped in for a few words. As Ember was about to close the door, she saw the familiar silver blonde hair of Draco Malfoy.
"Look it's the Weasley who isn't scared to fight. What's your name again? Cinder? Cinderella? Are you a little princess? I doubt it with those hand-me-downs?"
Ember just shook my head.
"Well Malfoy we can't all be royalty. At least my family tells me they love me. I doubt your money tells you that."
Ember stepped back into the compartment and closed the door, locking it behind her. She knew Draco wouldn't do anything, but better safe then sorry. Ember then placed Stitch back into his cage, laid down across the seat and let the rhythm of the train lull her to sleep.

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