A Date with Draco And The Death Eaters.

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Life had gotten better for Ember since moved in with the Malfoys. Draco and Ember had become a couple during the summer of her first year and his second.  Embers second year was dull. Vincent told us his stepmum had given birth to his new stepsister Elizabeth. Gregory had gotten a girlfriend, a fellow Slytherin witch named Pansy. She was pretty cool. That was all that really happened if you don't count Harry Potter freeing Sirius Black and Hermoine Granger punching Draco. Needless to say the last day of school that year Ember returned the punch...about three or four times. Ginny is the only Weasley who tried to talk to Ember. She ignored her though.  Maya and Ember became closer. She is my girl best friend. The guys became protective of her too. Even though she is a Gryffindor she is an honorary Slytherin, and during their second year her and Vincent kept making eyes at each other. That was how Embers second year went.

It was about a month before Embers third year. Her, Draco, and Lucius were going to the Quidditch World Cup. They were going to be sitting with the Minister of Magic. They were all dressed in black. Draco was in a black suit. Lucius was in dress robes. Ember was in a black dress. It was sleeveless and had sequins at the top. It was flowy at the bottom. They were walking to their seats when Ember heard a familiar voice say,
"Blimey, Dad. How far up are we?" She looked up to see the Weasleys right above her. Her eyes met her fathers. Of all the Weasleys she missed her parents and her older brother Charlie. Lucius being Lucius said,
"Well, put it this way: if it rains, you'll be the first to know."
Then Draco replied saying,
"The three of us are in the Minister's box by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." At that most of the Weasleys began walking to their spots. That's when Ember noticed Harry Potter trailing behind them.
"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people." Ember grabbed Draco's hand. A little defiance to her old family. Harry was pushing Hermoine up the stairs when Lucius uses his cane to trap Harry's jacket.
"Do enjoy yourself, won't you?... While you can." He then smiled and freed Harry from his grasp. That was when they all parted ways. Ember and the Malfoy's made it to their seats just as the Irish Quidditch team came into the field. Draco and Ember were leaning against the railing, cheering with the rest of the crowd. They had fireworks that created a dancing leprechaun. Then the Bulgarian Quidditch Team came through the leprechaun and destroyed making people cheer for their favorite seeker, Viktor Krum. Then after that, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge started the games by saying,
"Good Evening! As Minister for Magic it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup! Let the match begin!"
Then with his wand he released a white ball of light that started the match.

Draco and Ember were sitting in the Malfoy's tent. The match was over. Draco and Ember were cuddle up under a blanket, looking at the stars. His father was nowhere to be seen. They were talking about random things when they heard a commotion outside the tent.
"Stay here," Draco said, getting up to see what was wrong. He peeked through the tent flap.
"Draco, maybe it's just the Irish. You know they like getting lit after matches."
"It's not the Irish Em. We need to go now." Ember looked at Draco and stood up, running to him. He handed Ember her backpack and grabbed her hand. Then they ran outside. Then Ember heard some one say,
"Get out, it's the Death Eaters."
Draco said, "follow me," and ran off in a different direction. Ember couldn't keep up and they ended up getting separated.
That's when Ember heard her father, Arthur Weasley say," Get back to the Portkey and stick together." Ember momentarily debated walking up to them. She didn't want to go with them but she had to get out of here.
"Dad," Ember yelled. Arthur turned around. His eyes found his youngest daughter.
"Ember." She ran up to him. He gently pulled her towards him. He was glad to have his little girl in his arms again. He hated what his family asked him to do.
"Dad I lost the Malfoy's and I'm scared." Ginny ran up to them. 
"Ginny take your sister to the Portkey. Fred, George! Ginny and Ember are your responsibility. Go!"
They all ran away from the Death Eaters. Ginny had grabbed Embers hand and they were running with the rest of the Weasleys. They got to the Portkey. When they did Ginny and Hermoine wanted to go back looking for Harry. Ron, Hermoine and Ember volunteered, though Ember got some weird looks for it. In reality she wanted to look for Draco or one of the Malfoys. That's when a snake and a skull appeared in the sky. Ember knew it was the mark of the Death Eaters. The others were scared but the trio kept looking for Harry.
Ron Hermoine and Ember found him. Then all off a sudden Stupify was said and a bunch of red Sparks flew towards us them. Ember threw a few back. What was she supposed to do? Just let someone try to harm her. Harry, Ron and Hermoine ducked behind the burnt out structure she was hiding behind. Then Arthur yelled,
"Stop! That's my kids!"
He ran up to them.
"Ron, Hermoine, Harry, Ember, you all right?" They all nodded.
Then Ron said,
"we came back for Harry."
Then the men who sent Stupify at the children said,
"Which one of you conjured it?"
"Crouch, you can't possi--," Arthur said before he was cut off.
"Do not lie! You've been discovered at the seen of the crime."
"Crime?," asked Harry.
"Barty! They're just kids."
"What crime?," Harry asked again, still not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
That's when Hermione said,
"It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's his mark."
"What, Voldemort?"
All of Barty Crouch and his friends turned to look at the symbol of green in the sky.
"Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they? His followers?" Ember rolled her eyes, thinking that Harry was quite stupid at that moment.
"Yeah," Arthur said, nodding his head, "Death Eaters."
"Follow me," Barty Crouch commanded.
Then Harry said," There was a man, before. There!" He pointed at a spot about five feet away.
"All of you, this way!"
"A man, Harry? Who?," Arthur asked.
" I don't know. I didn't see his face." They all then stared at the dark mark. Ember wanted to go home so she said,
"Can you get me home please?"
They all stared at Ember. Arthur pulled Ember close to him thinking she was scared and said,
"Yes. We must get back to the Burrows. Molly will be worried."
Arthur led the children to the Portkey. They all grabbed on and were whisked back to Embers old home. They all walked inside. Ember stood by the door as Molly checked her husband, son and his best friends for injuries. The house was loud as everyone asked what happened and the twins tried to cheer everyone up. Then Molly saw her daughter. Moly gasped slightly. She hadnt seen Ember in almost two years. She slowly walked towards Ember.
"Ember dear. Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Can I go home now? Narcissa must be worried sick." Molly looked at Ember with sadness in her eyes. Molly, Arthur and Ginny wanted Ember home. Everyone else not so much. Then Molly got a look in her eye. That look that Ember knew was going to lead to a bad idea.
"Why don't you stay here tonight? Then Floo over to Malfoy Manor in the morning?"
There was a bunch of negative response to that by Embers siblings. Then a full fledged argument insued. That's when Ember quickly and quietly made her way over to the fireplace. She grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and yelled,
"Malfoy Manor." All eyes turned to her as she threw the powder to the ground and was consumed by green flames.

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