The Commom Room In The Dungeons

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After McGonagall was finished with the names. Headmaster Dumbledore- or Professor Dumbledore as he preferred- gave a speech about Hogwarts rules and welcomed all the new students. Then, with the wave of his hand, food appeared on the tables. Ember looked around at her fellow Slytherins. She was the only first year female. She shook her head and grabbed a few pieces of chicken, some corn, and some mashed potatoes. Kids were walking between tables talking to friends from different houses and relatives who were separated. Ember took a bite of ber food when she saw a familiar blonde female approaching her. Ember stood up and she hugged Maya.
"Congratulations on getting Slytherin Em. You'll be perfect here."
Ember looked at her and smiled.
"Don't let my siblings hear you say that. Congrats on Gryffindor. Your perfect for it."
"No Mudbloods at the table," a Slytherin fifth year said to them. Maya looked at him and said," this is an A and B conversation so C your way out of it. " The boy looked at Maya with anger and Ember just grabbed Maya's hand and walked her over to the Gryffindor table. Ginny saw them and rushed over and hugged her sister.
"Hey Em. I'm sorry you got Slytherin."
Percy, Fred, George and a bunch of their friends agreed and apologized.
Ember looked at them dumbfounded.
"One, it's not your fault. Don't apologise. Two, what's wrong with being a Slytherin?"
They all looked at Ember like she had muttered one of the Unforgivable curses.
"Em. Slytherin is where all the evil witches and wizards come from."
"That doesn't mean all Slytherins are bad." Embers anger was rising. She hated stereotypes. "It's stereotypical idiots like you who think they are." She turned around and stormed back to her table, leaving her siblings  in shock.
When she sat down, Ember heard the one voice she didn't want to hear.
"Hey Weasley yo.."
"Malfoy, I swear to everything good, if you don't leave me the hell alone, I'm going to kill you while you sleep tonight."
Ember heard a few gasp from some of her housemates, but she wasn't in the mood. She ignored them. She heard someone walking away. She assumed it was Malfoy.

Ten minutes later Dumbledore said that the prefects were to lead the students to their common rooms and sleeping quarters. All of the students got up. Slytherins remained seated. When every other student was gone, the Slytherin prefects led the first years down to their new home.

The Dungeons were the opposite of what Ember thought they would be. The walls were mainly Slytherin green. There were silver lines going horizontally across the walls. The furniture was either green, black, or gray. It felt rather... calm and nice in there. Ember was suprised.
"Alright first years boys your on the left. Weasley since you're the only girl you can bunk with the second year girls if you want too," said the prefect who introduced himself as Jullian
"I'd rather be by myself," she stated, crossing her arms.
"Very well then. You'll be by yourself. Slytherins don't like to associate with Weasleys anyways."
Ember looked at him. She couldn't stop the words before the flew out of her mouth.
"It's Slytherins like you who give us a bad name."
"What did you just say," Jullian said angrily, "you're a mudblood lover. You come from a pureblood family who thinks they can do whatever they want. Your trash every last one of you."
Ember snapped. Her eleven year old self dived into a seventh year. She punched him in the face. When he was on the ground, Ember climbed on top of him and kept punching him. Ember kept punching loosing count of her swings. When she was pulled off of him, there was a lot of blood. Ember was struggling in the arms of someone. When she looked up it was Draco. He took her upstairs to the first year girls dormitory.
"Malfoy, let me finish him. He needs a good arse-kicking. One spell that's all I ask."
He opened the door and sat the first year on the bed.
"What spell were you going to use. I doubt you know any, Weasley." Ember straightened her robes.
"I was planning on using the killing curse or Incendio."
"You were going to set him on fire...maybe it's the hair," he said pushing a strand of  hair out of her eyes.
Ember pushed his hand away.
"Maybe just his crown jewels."
At that Malfoy died laughing.
It took Ember twenty minutes to get him to stop and get out of her room. Once he was gone, Ember closed and locked the door, putting a spell on it to keep it from being unlocked with magic. She then changed into her pajamas and laid down on the soft bed. Sleep came with promises of a fun filled first year. The last thought that filled her head before sleep took over was I am a Slytherin.

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