A New Friend At Diagon Alley: Part Two

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They walked into Ollivanders. It was a small store. The selves were full of boxes, holding wands no doubt.
"So this must be Ginny's twin sister. Am I correct Mrs. Weasley?"
Ember looked towards where the voice came from and saw an old man with crazy white hair. He kind of looked like a Muggle scientist her father had told her about. Molly nodded.
"Yes Mr. Ollivander. This is Ember Litrael Weasley." She then kissed Embers head.
"I'll be right outside darling." She took the supplies from Ember and head outside.
Ember looked at Mr. Ollivander. He was walking through the store. He stopped randomly and turned towards a stack of boxes. His fingers skimmedover the boxed before he smiled.
"Ah ha," he said, pulling out a box. He walked back towards the red head.
"8 inch. White Oak. Hippogriff hair."
He handed Ember the wand and nothing happened.
"Flick your wrist and see if anything happens."
She did as he told her. Everything on his desk scattered in different directions.
"Nope. That wand is to short."
He stepped over the stuff that had landed on the floor. Ember sat the wand down on his desk, not wanting to cause a bigger mess. Ollivander went to his ladder and climbed up to the top. He then grabbed a box and looked down at girl. He mumbled something then climbed back down. He opened the dark blue box as he walked towards her. He then handed the girl the wand.
"10 inch. Dark Birch Wood. Unicorn hair." The wand was black. The handle of it had beautiful silver swirls around it. They went towards the top of the wand.
"Try again." Ember nodded and flicked her  wrist. Everything that had scattered off his desk quickly got back to it's original place. He nodded to himself.
"What's so interesting?"
"Well, Miss Weasley, that wand has a sister. Hair from the same unicorn. It belonged to a young lady about 32 years ago. She looked alot like you. Her last name was your middle name. It is quite interesting that these wands choice two people so similar."
Ember looked at the old man and nodded. That's when Molly came back in. 
"Did you find one, Ember?"
The girl nodded. Ember looked down at the wand in her hand. Molly and Ollivander talked for a minute. As they did, Ember examined the swirls. They were in a silver ink. They stood out against the dark wood.
Molly grabbed Emberd hand, breaking her concentration, and they went back to the pet shop to get Ginny. Ginny came out with an owl named Lilo. The store clerk said that she should name it that since Embers puppy was named Stitch. The girls didn't understand why, but they agreed.
The next stop was the book store. Molly said that we needed to get a bunch of books by Gildroy Lockhart. They were on their list as Defence Against the Dark Arts books. The female Weasleys headed towards the book store were a crowd had gathered. Apparently Gildroy Lockhart was in the store signing books. Molly and Ginny were jumping with joy. Ember just stood off to the side. She never understood their fascination for such a fraud. You're telling me he conquered a troll with nothing but a Muggle weapon?  She thought. She assumed it was possible but she doubted Lockhart had could do it.
"Mum can I go get my books? I really don't want anything signed by him." Molly looked at Ember and nodded.
"Yes dear just stay in the store," her mother said.
Ember backed away quickly before her mother could change her mind and ran up to the second floor. Ember loved reading. Fred and George always made fun of her  because she loved reading so much. She had read every book in the house, even the boys' school books. She found them all fascinating. Ember was scanning through all the books looking for the ones she needed when she heard a voice say,
"Well well well, what do we have here. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe. Definitely another Weasley brat."
Ember looked over and saw a blonde haired boy in Slytherin green robes. A Malfoy. She placed her hands on her hips.
"Well well well what do we have here. Blonde hair, Slytherin robes and cocky. Definitely Malfoy scum," she said, mocking him.
The boy looked at Ember with anger in his eyes. Then something else flashed through his emerald green eyes. Humor maybe.
"A Weasley who isn't afraid to fight back. I like you. Draco Malfoy." He stuck out his hand. He wanted her to shake it.  She grabbed it quickly and shook his hand.
"Ember Weasley but my friends call me Em."
"Well, I guess Ill see you in school Ember. Maybe this bullying thing will be fun now that someone fights back."
He turned around and walked out. Ember just shook her head and laughed. This year is going to be great.

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