A New Home

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Dumbledore agreed to have Embers name changed in the school records. He said by next year she would be known to him and all the teachers as Ember Litrael. She left the Potions classroom and headed towards the Common room. Draco and the boys were waiting for her. They asked her if she wasokay and Draco checked her for injuries. Ember explained everything to them.
"The best part is in school records I'm no longer a Weasley. To the teachers and staff I am Ember Litrael." Draco smiled.
"That's good. My mother and father said they'd be happy to have you over this summer." Ember looked at Draco before shaking her head.
"Really. I don't want to be a burden. I could find somewhere in Muggle Eng..."
"Nonsense. If I didn't help a woman in her time of need my mother would use the killing curse on me."
Ember laughed. 
"Alright. I'll go with you. Goodness I swear my three best friends are overprotective males."
"Oh but you love us," Vincent said.
"Yeah without us your life would be dull," Gregory said.
Ember just shook her head smiled. This was a perfect way to end the year.

Ember quickly grabbed her trunk and Stitch's cage and headed upstairs to meet Draco. He was waiting for me in the Great Hall. Vincent and Gregory were staying at school this summer. They needed tutoring, so Dumbledore suggested to their parents for them to stay. Ember met Draco at their usual spots at the Slytherin table and took a seat.
"Hey Em. You ready?"
"Yeah. I really want to meet your parents."
"Weasley Alert 5 o'clock."
Ember turned around and saw Ron, Ginny, and the Twins walking towards the table. She rolled her eyes.
"I'm getting sick and tired of these idiots. They think they can just approach you. I'm going to kill them." Draco tried to stand up but was stoped when Ember placed herhand on his chest.
"Draco, love, I got this."
Ember got up and walked over to them.
"What do you lot want?"
"You changed your last name? Seriously?," Ron said.
"Yeah, well when you're 'siblings' sign a note saying they don't want you home I really doubt you'd wanna keep your last name."
"Oh come on. Don't you see. We wanted you to come back to us. We want our little sister back. We thought that if we had mum send that you'd come back and beg us to come home,"George said.
"That was your mistake. One. I'm not your sister. You guys ignored me. Two. Slytherins don't beg."
"That's the problem. You're a damn Slytherin. You can't be are sister."
"Thank God. You guys are a bunch of self righteous pigs. Enjoy your life without me," Ember said, leaving them.
"Ember Weasley. You get back here, young lady."
Ember scoffed. She stoped and turned around.
"It's Ember Litrael, now." Ember turned back towards the Slytherin table and walked away.

Draco and Ember were at Hogsmede. They were about to board the train when Ember heard someone yell my name.
She turned around and saw Maya running up to her.
"I'll see you on the train, Draco."
He nodded and grabbed his stuff and boarded the train.
"Hey Maya. What's up?"
"Just wondering if you found a place to stay?"
"Yeah. I'm staying at Malfoy Manor."
"Good. If you need some time away or anything send me an owl."
"Okay. Thanks. You're the best "
" I know. Bye."
The two girls hugged each other. Maya walked off. Ember grabbed ahold of her trunk and Stitch's cage and climbed aboard. Shefound Draco sitting in one of the compartments. She knocked on the door. He smiled and opened it.
"Excuse me sir. Is there anybody sitting here? I need a seat."
"Well Litrael I usually don't allow red haired ex-Weasleys to sit with me but for you I'll make an exception."
Ember smiled and rolled her eyes. Ember stepped inside. She sat Stitch's cage on the seat and lifted her trunk into the shelf. Draco locked the door and I opened the cage door. The Cocker Spaniel puppy jumped out and ran over to Draco. He jumped up and down on his lap and licked his face. Draco laughed at the little puppy. Stitch cuddled up on the bench beside Draco's leg. Ember sat across from him and let the rhythm of the train lull her to sleep.

Draco shook Ember awake about five minutes before they pulled into King Cross Station. Draco said it would be good if she changed into muggle clothes. Ember agreed. Muggles would think its very weird if a bunch of kids were walking through the station in robes. Draco left the compartment and Ember changed quickly. She threw on a pair of black jeans, a black tank top, and a jean jacket. She threw her red hair into a high ponytail and grabbed her trunk and the cage. She met Draco by the exit. His parents were waiting for them by the exit of King Cross Station. The two Slytherins disembarked onto Platform 9 3/4. They then went through the magic barrier that led to King Cross Station. There were muggles everywhere. They hadn't seen them thanks to the magic. They began walking towards the entrance when Draco saw his parents.
He ran towards a young couple. The woman, whom Ember assumed was his mother, had black and white hair. The man, his father, had long silver-blonde hair, just like his son. Draco hugged his mother and shook his fathers hand. Draco had told her that his father wasn't big on showing affection. They all began walking towards the rednhead.
"Draco, is this your friend?," His mother asked. Draco nodded and said,
"This is Ember Litrael." His parents looked at each other for a moment before Dracos mother smiled at her.
"Litrael. I know that last name. Who is your mother?"
"Litrael is my middle name. I go by it since my family disowned me when I became a Slytherin."
"Hmm," the older Malfoy male said. He looked at the girl in front of him. The last name and the red hair. She couldn't be. Could she?
"I remember you. You used to be a Weasley." Ember looked at Dracos mother and nodded.
"Well, you can call me Narcissa and this is my husband and Draco's father, Lucius."
"Its nice to me you both. Thanks for letting me stay. I really appreciate it."
"Of course. We'd let any friend of Draco's stay," Narcissa said.
"Shall we be off?," Lucius asked.
Everyone nodded. Ember grabbed her stuff and followed the Malfoys to the alley behind King Cross Station.
"From here we apperate." Draco grabbed onto his mother's arm and in the blink of an eye they was gone.
"Are youu ready, my dear?," Lucius asked, sticking his arm out.
Ember nodded. He grabbed her trunk from her and held it in one hand while she grabbed his arm. It looked like the world was spinning in several different ways all at once. They landed in the living room of Malfoy Manor.
"Welcome to your new home."

Draco lead Ember upstairs to the second floor of the mansion. He grabbed Embers hand and led her to a room right next to his. He opened the door and Ember gasped in awe. It was a big room. It had a queen size bed against one wall. Beside that was a nightstand with a lamp. The opposite it was a bookshelf with hundreds of books. There was a bathroom off to one side and a wardrobe and chest of drawers. She loved it.
"Mother hopes this room is okay. She says if you don't like anything let her know and she'll exchange it for whatever."
"No. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Thank you," Ember said running and jumping in to his arms giving him a hug.
"You're welcome beautiful," he said. Then he did something she never thought he'd do. He kissed her. It was a simple peck on the lips. Nothing else. Draco pulled away. Both children had a blush on their cheeks. They smiled at eachother and said good night.

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