The Master Plan

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"Everyone ready?" Alex asked and we all nodded.

"Great, let's get going" I whispered and we split up.

Me and Alex walked up to the police officer outside the police station with a fake smile on our faces. James and Jasmine were going to climb through the vents to get to officer Robin's office and get the key from above with Jasmine's athletic skills. Me and Alex were going to distract the officer's so that James and Jasmine can get into the vents without being noticed.

"Hello officer" I greeted.

"What are you teenagers doing up this late?" he asked straight away.

"We were just taking a walk" Alex said as he took my hand in his.

"Aw! Well aren't you two a cute couple?" the officer gushed and I blushed.

I hate this so much

"Thank you officer" I said, faking a cheery voice even though inside, I'm stabbing him a hundred times, no joke there.

"She's a keeper son" he said to Alex, pointing at me.

"Yes she is" Alex said, looking at me with a smile on his face.

I can't believe I'm saying this but his actually good at this, I mean, if I didn't know about the plan, I would of actually believed him but I know about it so yeah. I smiled up at him, totally fake though, and the officer kept gushing about us. I'm starting to wonder if this guy is actually a guy or a girl with how much he acts like it and not doing his job but if it keeps him distracted then I don't care because already Jasmine and James got into the vents, I just hope they get the key on time because we can't distract him forever or else I'll go crazy pretending to be a couple with Alex....Again!

"I'm sure you two will happily married in the near future" the officer said making me nearly gag but I had to bite my lip to prevent that from happening so I didn't talk but Alex did even though he looked like he wanted to gag as well as I did.

"I sure hope so" Alex said even though he was being sarcastic by the tone in his voice but the the officer obviously didn't notice it because he smiled at us.

"You two should head off now" he said and me and Alex's eyes widen.


Jasmine's Pov

"Hurry up" James whispered.

"I'm trying" I hissed.

I was currently dangling from the vents with James holding onto my legs as I tried to get the key that was hanging to the coat rack. Officer Robin was sleeping in his chair and snoring like the pig he is. I reached my hand out a little further so that I could grab the keys.

"Almost it!" I whispered once I had the keys in my hand.

"Pull me up James" I whispered to James and he nodded.

James started to pull me up and once we were back in the vents, we shut the vents up just when Robin woke up with a loud snore. James and me froze, hoping he didn't see us. Robin shrugged and went back to sleep. We sighed of relief and started to crawl back the out of the vents. We were at the end of the vents that lead to the outside if the station and James pushed the mini gate out. James jumped out first and helped me out second. I jumped down and dusted myself but when I looked up, my jaw dropped in shock.

"What are they doing?!" I whispered/yelled.

"I'm going to kill Alex" James growled.

Alex was currently kissing Emily and they had their arms around each other. The officer was gushing about them and taking a shit load of photos on his phone. James stomped over to them with me trailing behind him. James pulled Alex away from Emily by his shirt and lifted him up from the ground a bit.

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