Meeting The Jerk

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“Get your lazy ass out of there and let’s go already Emily!” I heard Jasmine shout from outside my door. I groaned and sat up. I just took a nap because of the long ass trip here. I jumped out of my bed and took out something to wear.

I decided to wear my red dress that went just passed my knees with the belt I had, my black leather jacket and my brown, heel boots. I left my hair down which was curled at the bottom.

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I saw Jasmine and James waiting for me, well James was on his phone, not giving a shit. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. James looked at me and glared as he rubbed his arm that I punched. I motioned my head so we can leave and we all left to the car.

We were going to the café just near here. It was still winter here so I was regretting wearing this, shit! At least I wasn’t a loner, Jasmine wore her a dress as well. It’s like we think alike or something, nah I’m joking, it’s only because we all live in L.A and its always hot there so I’m getting used to the change of weather now.

I bet you that Jasmine, is going to make me go shopping with her tomorrow morning to buy some winter clothes. Don’t get me wrong, I like shopping but just not with Jasmine, trust me, she may be my best friend but when it comes to shopping, she goes all out to find me the perfect outfit (which takes hours to find) to impress a guy. She really wants me to start dating again but I just don’t trust anyone now well besides my family and friends.

“Hello? Earth to Emily!” Jasmine shouted at me making snap out of my train of thoughts and jump high which ended with me hitting my head. Jasmine and James started laughing and I glared at them both while rubbing my head.

“Ha-ha, so funny, I forgot to laugh” I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

“Oh come on Emily, it was pretty funny” Jasmine said, still laughing. I smacked her upside the head and she instantly stopped laughing. Jasmine glared at me as she rubbed the head.

“You are so mean” Jasmine pouted.

“That’s payback for ya” I smirked. Jasmine rolled her eyes and smiled.

James stopped the car in front of the café and we jumped out of the car. Me and Jasmine had a race getting inside as we laughed. I told Jasmine that I’m going to sit at the booth with James and she nodded. I walked away and sat next to James.

“How do you like it here so far sis?” James asked, smiling at me. Sometimes he may be annoying but he loves me and I love him except when he’s over protective when boys hit on me or even speak to me.

I smiled back. “Yes I am actually, thanks for coming with me James” I said and hugged him. James hugged me back.

“No problem sis” James said as we pulled away from the hug and sat back.

Jasmine came back with our drinks with a huge, toothy smile on her face as she sat down next to me. I looked at her weirdly and raised one eyebrow as she handed us our drinks, I got a hot chocolate since it was freezing out there but luckily it was warm in here.

“Ok what’s wrong with you? And why are you smiling?” I asked as I turned to her.

“I talked to a cute guy that served me these drinks” Jasmine squealed. I smiled widely and hugged her.

“Aw, cute! That’s nice Jasmine!” I gushed. We both laughed and pulled away from the hug.

“Thanks Emily but I wish we found someone for you” Jasmine frowned before smiling again. “So tomorrow we’re going shopping to find some winter clothes for you to wear and impress!” Jasmine squealed again. See, told you, she’d make me go shopping.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, fine” I said, waving my hand at her as I took a sip of my hot chocolate and sighed in delight.

“That’s some good hot chocolate” I sighed. Jasmine and James laughed at me again and I just smiled.

“Let’s go, I want to go home to rest” I said and I yawned.

“Fine” James said as he rolled his eyes. I smiled and we all stood up. James left a tip before we started walking to the exit. I was still holding my hot chocolate in my hand.

When I opened the door and stepped outside, somebody bumped into me, making me spill my hot chocolate on my clothes. My flesh was burning like a frickin motherfucker right now.

 “Fuck!” I shouted and I quickly put the cup down. I looked up to see some guy with blonde hair.

“Watch out next time!” The dude said angrily at me as he pushed me out of the way. I stumbled back and grabbed a hold of the table for balance. I scowled at his back.

“Asshole” I mumbled under my breath but apparently the guy heard me, yay! (Note my sarcasm). The guy turned to me, glaring furiously at me.

“What did you say?” He asked, walking back to me and standing in front of me. I looked up at him since he was taller than me and leaned into his face, glaring at him.

“I said ‘asshole’” I said slowly before backing away and crossing my arm across my chest. The hot chocolate that spilled on me was still hurting and I think they may be a scar there now or burn marks.

“Look who’s talking sweetheart” he smirked.

“Why I Atta!” I screamed as I took a step towards him so I can strangle his scrawny little neck! But James held me back by my waist.

“Let me kill him!” I shouted angrily, I tried to get out of my brother’s grip but he was stronger than me, gosh damn it. James glared harshly at the guy.

“No and you, you go away or else” James said in a threatening tone to the guy. The guy rolled his eyes.

“Whatever” he mumbled. James picked me up and slung me over his shoulder before he started walking away. Damn him! He knows I’m wearing a frickin dress! Well at least it was empty outside besides James and that guy behind me-wait, oh shit!

I turned my head slightly at him and saw he was looking at my butt and I quickly pulled my dress down, glaring at him as he smirked at me.

“Nice undies!” he shouted at me. I blushed of embarrassment, yup, I’m going to kill my brother for this.

“Perv!” I shouted back at him.

“I’m so going to kill you James” I told James, glaring at him. Jasmine walked behind James to make sure that the guy wasn’t there, still looking at me.

“Hey! We got away didn’t we?” James said, as he put me in the passenger seat of the car and sat in the driver’s seat. Jasmine sat in the back seat and I looked out the window.

“Yeah, whatever” I mumbled as James drove off.

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