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My weekend went off without a hitch I even got lucky enough to see Elle.  She was sitting at a table with a red t-shirt that said I belong to a  Harvard man on it in white.  With her was this man I assume her father and I guess her little brother.  Next thing I know she stands up and I notice her shorts boy did they hug her butt.  I realize she is standing up to embrace this woman and man that are with none other than that Lee kid I guess those must be his parents.  I read these two families must be close.  Luckily I was close enough to hear.
Woman: When did you get that Elle.
Elle:  Oh yesterday Noah sent it to me Joan.
Joan:  Feels weird right him not being here.
Elle:  Yeah I miss him can't believe he has only been gone two weeks.
Joan:  Don't worry sweetie he loves you.
Elle:  Yeah I know Joan I love him too.  I miss his arms and
Lee:  gross Shelly please that is my bro
Everyone at the table laughs.  I have had enough so I left after I can't take hearing about her being in another man's arms.

After getting home, I went to my room and threw myself on my bed.  I started thinking about Elle.  Damn, why am I so obsessed with her when she barely knows I am alive.  Not just wanting to hold her in my arms but to protect her.  If the stories I heard this past week about this Flynn guy are correct, he seems pretty violent.  I wonder if he has ever hit her.  Although most of the fights that Flynn guy got into had to do with protecting her or his little brother so, I don't know if he would hit her.  According to Tuppen Flynn nearly broke his nose last year because he smacked Elle on the ass the first day of school.  That until Flynn she had never been on a date or even kissed a guy.  The story I heard was that this click of girls called the OMG's were mad at her because she tricked them saying Flynn would do the kissing booth but never said it was Lee Flynn.  So, when a particular student went up that none of them were willing to kiss they blindfolded her (because that is what all the kissers had to wear and naturally some of them cheated) unfortunately for the OMG girls the guy they wanted Elle to kiss let Noah cut in.  So, he was her first kiss and rumor has it that after she took off the blindfold they stared at each other, and he grabbed her and kissed her again and that the second kiss was the kind of kiss that sent sparks shooting through the crowd.  Shortly after that, they started officially dating.  It turns out that they had been dating all along but in secret.  I can't help but wonder why.  Maybe he still wanted to date because I keep being told she changed him that he used to be a player.  Damn how I hate him.

I fell asleep dreaming of her.  In my dreams, she was wearing that skirt and was straddling me and just beginning to lean down to kiss me when...

Stupid alarm time for school again.

I HATE THE KISSING BOOTHWhere stories live. Discover now