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The weeks went on and on.  It must have been about 6 weeks that passed before Elle would talk to me about anything other than our lab assignments in Bio.  In our other classes, she would ignore me and let other students answer my questions.  Turns out she and Lee were having a party at Lee's house.  She was upset about something and kept looking at her phone and would sigh.  I took a chance and asked her what was wrong.

Elle:  Oh, stupid Noah he hasn't texted, face timed me or called me in days.  I am about to kick his ass.

Me:  That sucks.  Did you two have a fight?

Elle:  No, Why do you ask.

Me:  Just curious.

Elle:  He must be busy at least that is what Lee and Tuppen keep telling me.  Tuppen is constantly reminding me how much Noah loves me and not to worry.

Me:  Why do you call him Noah when everyone else calls him Flynn.

Elle:  Well that is his name.  It started out as me teasing him when we were growing up.  Since Lee and I grew up together I sort of grew up with Noah as well.  Up until last year, he always treated me like a kid sister so we teased each other.  Calling each other by names we hated.  Now it is something special between the two of us.

Me:  Oh, well that is great.  I would like to say I am sorry for not calling you Elle.

Elle:  That is o.k. you are forgiven.  Just don't do it again.  So, are you coming to the party tomorrow?

Me:  Am I invited I wasn't sure.

Elle:  You did get Lee's e-vite right

Me:  Yes

Elle:  So, you are invited.  Look just because I was upset about what you called me doesn't mean the rest of the gang can't hang with you o.k.  don't forget it is a costume party.  Lee and I take that seriously.

Me:  O.k.

At that point, the bell rang and she took off.  I was walking on cloud nine all day she actually talked to me.  I also found out that there might be trouble in paradise.  Now I know it is wrong of me to be so excited about her having trouble with her boyfriend but I just can't help myself.  I walked around all day dreaming about holding her in my arms finally.

I went to pick out a costume early Saturday morning.  When I asked around everyone said that costumes were mandatory.  They also told me showing up in something generic and passing it off as a costume would get me harassed my Elle and Lee. Evidently, they really do take it seriously.  So, serious that they always dress up as a team.  Last year at their costume birthday party they dressed up as Batman and Robin.  According to the rumor mill, she is going as Wonder Woman and Lee is going as Flash.  Hmm, I wonder if I should dress up as a cyborg or would that be stepping on their toes.  I better not I don't want to make her mad again.  I decided instead to borrow one of my dad's old uniforms and go as a private.  Can't have myself impersonating an officer.

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