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Sitting outside yet again with the guys waiting for the day to start only thing keeping me sane is that today is Friday.  When I notice a new girl standing by Lee, Rachel (Lee's girlfriend) and Elle.  She is a little shorter than Elle.  Not quite as fit but she is a cutie.  She has a deep chestnut brown hair that falls to her waist.  I turn to Tuppen and ask you know that girl.  He looks up and says "oh, that must be Rachel's cousin from Texas.  I heard Lee mention she was transferring here after the holiday's."   I still can't believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are over.  Noah came down for 2 days at Thanksgiving and nearly 3 weeks for the Christmas holidays.   All everyone seems to talk about nowadays are two things the first one is what school they are applying to.  I know Elle is applying to Harvard.  She wants to be a lawyer like her mom was.  The second one is the carnival that is coming up.  I just can't take it.  In every class, I have with Elle someone new is begging her and Lee to do the Kissing Booth again.   I can't help but hate it, every time it is brought up it reminds me that it is because of The Kissing Booth her and Noah are together.  

Turns out the new girl is in several of my classes with one major exception Bio.  Turns out she is in Chemistry with Lee and Rachel that period.  When I get to my second-period class I hear a beautiful voice say "well yes I am from Texas.  It is very different here than back home.  For instance, we do ride horses to school unlike Y'all. "  Next thing I know Elle is laughing her ass off at the face Olivia is making.  Olivia says "well you don't have to be sarcastic about it.  I was only asking if you ever rode your horses to school since you are from Texas" she flips her hair and walks off.  Elle looks at this new girl and says "man if this is a taste of what you are like I think this is the start of a wonderful friendship."  She looks up at that point and says "Oh hey Tain come here I want you to meet Rachel's cousin Juanita Garza she's from Texas"  I walk over to reach out my hand and say "nice to meet you"  Elle looks up at me and says "guess what turns out Noah got in last night.  I received my letter from Harvard and I have been accepted for the fall term as long as I keep my grades up.  So, he came in to celebrate.  Anyway, we are all going out tonight to the arcade and I really don't want Juanita here to feel like a 5th wheel so you want to come and help keep her company"  I tell Elle o.k. if Juanita doesn't mind. "She replies nope sure don't if Elle and her boyfriend are as lovey dovey as Rachel and Lee I will need the company."  "O.k. then I am in".

I HATE THE KISSING BOOTHWhere stories live. Discover now