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A few days after Flynn left Elle asked right before we left Bio if she could talk to me at lunch.  I asked her if she thought it was a good idea that Tuppen keeps telling me to stay away.  She giggles and says yeah I know that is part of the reason.  Don't worry about Tuppen he knows about this.  So I readily agree.  The idea of eating lunch with her alone is just too tempting for me.  Even though in my other classes with Juanita I sit and talk to her I have been getting to know her a little better every day I can't help but still wish it was Elle I could be with.

When lunch finally came I wasn't sure what to do until she came up to me and said get some food and meet me by that tree over there and I glanced where she pointed.  I realized that it was not necessarily in the middle of the whole school where people can see us but it also wasn't secluded there were tables close by and when I glanced at them I saw some members of the football team, Lee and his girlfriend all sitting there and realized that she had something important to tell me but wanted to make sure everyone knew it was innocent.  I grab my food and a drink and as I head over there I hear Tuppen yell "Tain"   When I look at him he points to his eyes and points to Elle then raises his eyebrows I just nod my head and walk over to the tree and sit down.

She looks up at me when I sit down and takes a deep breath and this is where the conversation that makes me realize she saw right through me began.

Elle:  Tain I am not used to this.  Until last year I never gave dating much thought I just figured I wasn't pretty enough or popular enough for dates.  I didn't realize the only reason I never had a date was Noah.  

I don't understand where she is coming from so I ask her

Me:  What do you mean and why does this have anything to do with me

Elle: Noah had warned all the guys not to ask me out.  I didn't know for a long time.   Tain doesn't take this the wrong way I am not one of those girls that like having guys fond all over them I am very uncomfortable about it.  This conversation is uncomfortable for me but a lot of the guys are starting to get annoyed by you.  They think the only reason you are being nice to me is to try to steal me away from Noah.   

I clear my throat and try to look away and I see Tuppen and Lee staring straight at me

Me:  I have no idea what you're talking about I just think you are a nice, sweet, smart girl and fun to talk to.

she rolls her eyes at me

Elle:  Tain I am not stupid.  I know the reason you fell out of your chair and knocked me over was you were staring at my phone reading my texts with Noah that first day.  And it was because you were trying to see if he was my boyfriend, then to see how serious we were.

I hang my head

Me:  I guess I am busted

she just laughs

Elle:  don't worry about it but you have to let go, there are tons of girls here that want to date you but you don't even give them a shot.  Now I am not saying go to a party and have make-out sessions with them.  date them that is why I introduced you to Juanita hoping you would give her a shot.  That is also why I invited you out this weekend but that didn't seem to work you were more worried about protecting me from of all people Noah than how Juanita took the whole incident this weekend.

Me:  Well Lee was more concerned about you too

Elle:  He only checked on me after he checked on Rachel and it is natural for Lee to want to protect me he is my best friend, my twin Rachel and Noah accept that to be with one of us you deal with the other one.

Me: so what are you saying

Elle:  I don't want to hurt you Tain but I have to tell you something maybe this will help you move on.  At the family dinner on Sunday that the Flynn family and mine have every week Noah proposed and I said yes.  We will be getting married 2 weeks after graduation so, when I go to Harvard we can live together.

Me:  I say oh, OK 

I get up and walk away I didn't even head back to the school I just walked out to my car got in and left for the rest of the day.   Damn, she really is perfect.

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