thirty nine.

604 12 0

Simon was in Austria and I was in Australia. But I missed London.

It had only been a few weeks but being without my boyfriend and the close friends I had made, was hard. Especially when I would hang out with Sabrina and her boyfriend, and witness how easy it was for them to be with each other.

She could drive to his apartment. I had to fly to London.

She could call him at any time she was awake. I had a narrow window of time when we were both awake.

She could hug and kiss him, and be close whenever they were together. I couldn't.

As frustrated as I got at him not sleeping at a normal time, I missed being half asleep and feeling him get into bed at 2am, slinging an arm around me.

As much as he would hate me for saying it, I was sick of Nando's but I missed going there with him.

I missed being next to him. His positive energy, his jokes, his laugh. I missed running my hand through his hair to help him destress.

I missed Freya, the girls, the guys.

My message notification noise went off as a text from Josh lit up on my screen.

16/1/18 9:27am
It's all organised
She'll do it

that's amazing, thanks for doing all of this
how is he?

He misses you a lot
We're all getting stressed about the fight

JJ's boxing match between Joe and himself was approaching quickly. It seemed only yesterday when they had decided on fighting, yet now the fight was just over two weeks away.

I knew all the boys were nervous for him, despite the confidence JJ was oozing. I was positive that Simon was freaking out, yet I hadn't had the chance to talk to him while he was in Austria.

he'll be alright dw

I smiled and replied how grateful I was for Josh looking out for Simon before texting Lachlan, who I had been introduced to a couple months earlier.

everything's finalised
i'll be there an hour and a half before you

See you there then

I texted Simon asking whether we could call but as I should've expected:
I'm unpacking and then I have to record

fine, call me when you're done
i miss you

i miss you too

I smiled and made myself busy, finishing some DIY project I had started to decorate my room.

I had lunch while watching TV and then scrolled through my phone as I waited for Simon's call.

so so sorry
i finished but i'm kinda tired

I rolled my eyes, slightly frustrated but replied that I would rather him get sleep.

The following few days were pretty similar. He kept postponing calls claiming to be busy, or if we did call, it'd be short. Just a brief update on both of our lives before hanging up.

Considering he was the one insisting on a long distance relationship, he didn't seem to care to put much effort into maintaining it.

I didn't want to bring it up, I knew that when we saw each other, we'd be fine. But for now, I didn't want to show that I was jealous of the people he was hanging out with.

I loved that he was working hard, and it was clear through his videos, of how much effort he was putting in. I was just frustrated that he sacrificed calling me to do it.

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