Stan x Reader (My Star)

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Stan and you had been friends for several years, since really third or fourth grade when you moved here. You had always liked him too, but it was always Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy. She hurt him every time too, which made it worse since you were right there! You were shaken out of your hatred of Wendy, and love for Stan when the angel himself tapped on your shoulder when you were walking home from school.

"Hey, (y/n)!" He beamed, moving his raven black hair from his eyes, which made his blue eyes shine like they always did, you felt myself melting.

"Oh, h-hey Stan." You smiled a bit, shakily trying to keep your cool. He frowned, "Wendy broke up with me again." You could tell he was tearing up as he looked down at his shoes. You sighed, putting your hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

He looked at me, more confidence in his face this time, "I want you to come to the hilltop tonight.." He grinned, running off before you could answer him. You waited until about six, and you got ready by curling your (h/c) hair and putting mascara on your eyelashes to make your (e/c) eyes stand out, and jogged to hilltop. Stan was already there and he grinned at you.

"I didn't think you were going to come!" He said, with almost what looked like fear in his eyes. You blushed, "Of course I came, but why did you want me to come?" You asked, confused.

He looked down at his shoes and blushed, and shrugged a bit before answering you, well he didn't really say anything. He pulled you into him and kissed you passionately. He eventually pulled back, "That's why. You're the star of my life.." He mumbled against your cheek, making you tremble a bit.

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