Chapter 26

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The whole weekend without Taehyung was boring for Jimin. He wasn't that bored since he still had Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin. Jimin only got to text and call Taehyung and he really missed Taehyung. He was so sad and Hoseok didn't fail to notice this. "Jiminie, me and my friend Chanyeol are going to the amusement park. Wanna join?" Hoseok asked. Jimin smiled. "Yea. Let me go get ready." Jimin said but Hoseok grabbed his arm. "Nope. You are perfectly fine as you are dressed." he said and before Jimin could protest, Hoseok was already dragging him out of the house and into his car. "Chanyeol, this is my friend Jimin. Jimin this is my friend Chanyeol." Hoseok did quick introductions and they left.

Jungkook was lying in his bed and he got up. "Imma go see if Taehyung wants to go with me to the park." he said and was about to open the door but stopped. Right, Taehyung's not here. He's with his mom. Jungkook sighed and laid back down. Why did he feel so lonely. He missed Taehyung but he couldn't feel so lonely just because Taehyung was gone. What's wrong with me?Why do I miss him so much? Jungkook thought to himself. There was a knock on the door and he opened it to see Yoongi. "Hey, want to go to the park?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook smiled. He nodded and grabbed his coat. "Here. I brought you a coffee." Yoongi gave the coffee to Jungkook. They held hands as they left to the park.

Chanyeol, Hoseok and Jimin spent the whole day at the amusement park and now it was starting to get dark. "Hoseok I want to go home. I'll see you guys later." Jimin said. "You don't want us to drop you off?" Chanyeol asked but Jimin shook his head. "No thank you." he smiled and left. As he left, he saw the park and was reminded of Taehyung. "I miss my best friend." he said. He saw Yoongi and Jungkook walking his way and quickly tried to miss them but Jungkook smiled and waved and since he didn't want to seem rude, he waved back. He frowned inside a little at the sight of them holding hands but just smiled on the outside. "Hey guys." he said. Yoongi smiled and waved. "Hey have you heard from Taehyung?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded. "Yeah, we keep in touch." Jimin answered. Jungkook looked puzzled and just nodded. "Why? He hasn't texted or called you?" Jimin asked and Jungkook shook his head. "Well I got to get going. Bye Jungkook. Bye Min Yoongi." Jimin said. "Bye Jiminie." Jungkook said. Jimin walked away and his heart clenched because Yoongi didn't even say bye. "Screw you, Min Yoongi." he whispered.

Taehyung was currently laying down. Jungkook's contact was open and he didn't know whether to text him or call him. He sighed and put the phone down. "Taehyung! Dinners ready!" his mom called from downstairs. He sighed once again and climbed out of bed and went downstairs. He smiled at his mom who had already served him a plate. Ms. Kim was a really sweet, loving, and caring mother who didn't care that her son was gay. She didn't care how other people talked about her son. All she cares is about supporting her son, Taehyung. She really is beautiful but she's getting old and she needed help with putting up her business and that's why Taehyung is there and not in Seoul with his friends. He is only going to stay for a month or less to help her. He told her that he could stay longer, but his mom insisted that he shouldn't be so far away from his friends for a long time so he agreed on a month or less. "Thanks, mom." he said and sat down. His mom noticed that Taehyung was acting strange. "So, who's the boy that has the heart of my son?" she asked and Taehyung almost choked on his food but he swallowed it. "Um... Well... he doesn't have my heart because his heart belongs to someone else and that's why I kinda decided to come over here to see if I could get over him." he murmured the last part in hopes that his mom wouldn't hear but she did. "Taehyungie, you cannot just hope that moving away will get you to stop liking him. You should've confessed. By the way, who is it?" she asked. Taehyung gulped and looked at his mom. She was looking at him with a face filled with concern and love. "Jeon Jungkook." he said and to his surprise his mom laughed. "I knew it. Ever since the first time you two hung out, I could see that you liked him." she said. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." he said and went upstairs. He took a quick shower and got into bed, going asleep soon after.

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