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Ruby's POV

"IT'S OVER CINDER!" I shouted at the fall maiden, "IF I AM GOING DOWN I WILL TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME!" She started to create a big fire ball in her hands, "BLAKE! GET UP WE HAVE TO GO!" Blake still didn't move so I threw her over my shoulder and using me semblance I carried her out of the building we were in, "RUBY LOOK OUT!" I heard but I was going to fast then the explosion went off sending me crashing into the rest of my team.

Everything was black meaning I must have used up all of my aura, "oh my god what happened in here?" I heard a voice that I recognize, "Dad?" I looked up to see that I have crashed into my old bedroom room, "Tai when did you get new lady friends?" I heard Dad say, "god my head hurts so..." I shoot my head up, "IESHA!" I cried out for my child, "whoa calm down red." I looked around but I didn't see her anyway, "where is my daughter!" I yelled at my dad and adopted dad.

Iesha's POV

I yawned and stretched my arms out, "Mummy? Mama?" I looked up to see that I was in a room like mummy and mama used to have, "so I said now that's a..." there was a pause in the speaking and I looked up. "MUMMY!" I ran over to mummy and hugged her leg, "um..." I looked up, "mummy where Mama?" I asked her but she just kept staring at me, "Ruby who is this kid?" My head shot over to the other voice, "AUNTY!"

I ran over to the blonde dragon, "um kid Ruby is not your mum and I am not your aunty." I started to cry, "but mummy..." I was holding my arms out to mummy, "so kitten but I'm not your mummy but can you tell me how you got in this dorm?" I let tears go down my face, "mummy you go super fast with mama and go bump with aunties and me then go woosh and I go sleepy." They both looked at each other then the phone rang, "wait a second dad's calling."

Tai – Ruby we are coming to Beacon something has come up so can you please get your team and meet us out the front of the school


Ruby – sure dad but what is going on

Tai – I don't think you would believe me if I told you

Ruby nod hanging up, "Yang can you go find Blake while I go find Weiss also can you take the kitten because I don't want to leave her in our dorm room where we have weapons." Yang nods and picks up the little kitten faunas, "so kid what's your name?" Yang asked, "Iesha..." She snuggled into Yang and started to purr, "warm." I awed at the sight, "and how old are you?" I asked, "I ree." The kitten said, "okay now let's go out the front after we find Weiss and Blake."

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